<<Let me see if I understand; you are OK with a crazy guy getting nukes that potentially can kill millions of innocent people and yet you don't want the average law-abiding citizen to own a weapon for self-defense purposes. Does that accurately sum up your position or not?>>
Yeah, I think it does. And the stats bear me out. There are hundreds of thousands of handgun deaths caused by crazy citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights. Nobody to date has died in a nuclear attack unless the Americans killed them.
So while your crazy theorizing says it's OK to put guns into the hands of "average law-abiding citizens," the FACTS show that this has led to disaster after disaster. OTOH, nukes in the hands of national governments, for very obvious reasons, are never the cause of tragedy and never have been.
Just one more example of crazy right-wing theories and the hard facts they always come up against and get smashed to pieces on. And, BTW, you're welcome.