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The worst ever
« on: August 25, 2010, 12:18:45 AM »
Why is Obama, the Illinois Idiot, the worst president in history, far surpassing the previous record holder -- Jimmy Carter, the Georgia Goober:
1. He failed to end the war, actually made it worse. Obama lied.
2. Obama didn’t close Gitmo, as promised (this only POs liberals). Obama lied again.
3. He treated terrorists as petty criminals; he didn’t try them in military tribunals for their war crimes. Obama is inexperienced.
4. Obama tripled American debt, taxing children who aren’t yet born (remember no taxation without representation? – maybe politicians should not be able to place debt on future generations). Obama is incompetent.
5. The Illinois Idiot lost 2 million jobs, permanently, according to Joe Biden, the Delaware Dufus: “It’s the economy stupid.” Obama is a clueless twit.
6. Obama promised an open and transparent debate on Obamacare, but delivered gangster-style, heavy-handed Chicago politics instead.
7. He bungled the economy: “It’s the economy stupid.” Obama is inept.
8. Obama talked down America in foreign speeches. Obama is insincere.
9. He promised an open and transparent administration; delivered Nixon-like enemy lists.
10. Obama failed to create jobs: “It’s the economy stupid.” Obama is incapable.
11. The Illinois Idiot gave a $1T bailout to big business and banks, those who contributed the most to his election.
12. He failed to hold unemployment to 8%, as promised: “It’s the economy stupid.” Obama is incompetent.
13. He bowed to every dictator he met. Obama is inexperienced.
14. Obama botched the management of the worst environmental disaster in history; Democrats = Oil Spill. Obama is incompetent.
15. He met in closed session with BP to get $20B. Maybe he could have gotten $100B if the meeting was in the open. Who was paid off?
16. Obama treated the American people with contempt. Obama is insincere.
17. Obama golfed and vacationed his administration away during the oil spill and Christmas bombing attempt in Detroit. Obama is incompetent.
18. KKK leader Senator Byrd gets a state funeral that Obama attended; Obama honored & eulogized Byrd. Too bad Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Hitler didn’t die on his watch, Obama would have loved those three. Obama is clueless.