I ask these questions in all sincerity, and as I do, I note one of the lessons of Vietnam: a "strategic defeat" can usher in an overall victory (the Soviet Union falling some 15 years after our withdrawal from Vietnam). Would anyone care to discuss this in realistic terms?
Hmmmmm..... Viet Nam was sponsored by the USSR and the demise of the USSR from exaustion was in part due to fighting in Viet Nam and fighting in Afganistan.
What is the sponsor behind the fighting now that we are hopeing to stratigicly defeat later after a tactical retreat?
If we leave Iraq suddenly it might do alright , if the government can hold its controll in the struggle , or the place might become a sept of Iran or a tool of Al Queda if it cannot.
Do you suppose that Iran could become overextended and exausted because it will be fighting Kurds and Al Queda in Iraq?