Like Juniorbush, Churchill began his career as both a drunk and a hideous incompetent.
Gallipoli was one of the greatest military disasters of all time. Worse than Iraq, maybe. It ended in an ignominious defeat for His Majesty, but no matter, the casualties were all disposable Aussies and Kiwis. Sons and grandsons of pickpockets, highwaymen, beggars and thieves, don'cha know? Iraq could turn out to be a bigger disaster, but probably won't.
Like Juniorbush, Churchill was from the caste of the idle rich. Never had to spend a lot of time walking the pavement looking for a job.
Compared with Juniorbush, Churchill was just lucky. The Germans really did want to invade the UK, and unlike Saddam, had a highly competent military in the vicinity. Stubbornness worked for Churchill.