Everyone in Israel knows what the problem of a one-state solution is. If Palisrael is one state, then the Palestinians must be given citizenship and the right to vote. The UN Charter does not allow for second-class non-voting citizens. Palestinians cannot be classified as immigrants who came to Israel/Palestine of their own volition, as they have lived there for centuries.
It is nothing like Korea, that is a political division, not an ethnic one. Eventually, Korea will be united, but at present there are officially two states.
The Palestinians would become a majority in a short time, because their birth rate is much higher,and at that point, all citizens will be given equal rights to everything, and every religion will be treated equally. Israel would cease to be a Jewish state.
Personally, I do not care what solution eventually takes place. I see no reason why any religion and any state should be united. The unification of religion and government is the worst idea that humans have ever come up with, and it originated in Egypt, which is a disaster for precisely that reason.
I simply do not like to be taxed to support the Zionists for their oppression of the Palestinians, who have just as much right to live in Palestine/Israel as do the Jews. Certainly a Palestinian born in Gaza has MORE right than some ultra orthodox person born in Crown Heights, Brooklyn who moved to the West Bank yesterday.