Author Topic: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)  (Read 1664 times)

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2011, 08:13:15 PM »
Hezbollah has representatives in the Lebanese Parliament because Lebanese have voted for them.

Hezbollah holds 14 of the 128 seats in the Parliament of Lebanon....whoooopDeeeDoo!
They cant win at the ballot box, so they now contemplate violent overthrow.

People do not vote for Hezbollah because they like Iranians.

A few like Iranian funding and a few like IslamoNazis.

Hezbollah provides schools and aid to widows and orphans and such.

Yeah in between killing people I suppose Hitler had schools and running water too.
I am sure the "aid to widows" is going to the suicide bombers that blew up American soldiers....
I know your proud of that aid.

Regarding China (a) Obama does not claim to be an expert of China, as you do on Lebanon

Please provide a link to when I ever claimed to be an expert on Lebanon.
Do all of your arguments end in you being proven a liar?

while you have debkafiles alone.

Yep Debka is
More lies?....Or just another moronic statement?

You claim that the US and/or Iran are on the brink of an all out attack on Iran for years,
and no such attack has occurred, so as an authority, you suck, and deeply.

Yeah I suppose Iran, Hezbollah, Israel, and the United States are spending billions of dollars
towards a confrontation because there is no chance it will happen. Maybe you should call them
and let them know there is no threat. I bet they'd be happy you could guarantee that!

ps: Oh and by the way anytime you are flying through DFW be sure and let me know.....
I can be there in 15 minutes and we can see how brave you are telling me I suck in person.  ;)

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2011, 12:08:01 AM »
Yeah, violence is naturally what you think solves everything, you stupid jerk.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2011, 01:18:10 AM »
Yeah, violence is naturally what you think solves everything, you stupid jerk.

Yeah I am the "stupid jerk" who first responded in this thread to another saying they "suck".

And you only respond by having others carry out your violence
and theft of others property and labor. You want the government
to impose your will on others and steal other's property and labor
because you think your side knows better. And if people don't go
along, the govt fines them and/or arrests them at gunpoint if necessary.

You seem often incapable of responding to factual debate and instead
attack the messenger with personal insults.

Oh it's Bush's family
Oh it's Bush's education.
Oh it's Governor Huckabee's religion
Oh Vice President Chaney is the devil
oh it's Governor Christie's weight
oh it's Gov. Romney's religion
Oh it's what CU reads.
oh it's "Governor Palin being assassinated by teabaggers" as you so disgracefully used as an analogy.

So yeah I'd enjoy meeting you to see if you are such an asshole bomb-throw bully in person.
I would imagine your more Oz behind the curtain....
But would be fun!
I may be going to the Florida Keys this just let me know if you want to have coffee at Starbucks.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2011, 10:52:33 AM »
I don't do Starbucks, and I can't imagine why I would ever want to meet with such a bully as you.

Physical violence is for idiots. I prefer to just cancel out your vote.

You cannot bully anyone online. I can't, you can't. But you want to live in a country that does nothing but bully.

That is why you suck. 
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2011, 11:50:07 AM »
I don't do Starbucks

Oh I knew that....thats why I said're such a tightwad...
i bet you live in some dump too
I see your type in line at the store with a million coupons arguing with the clerk over 3 cents!
So many Liberals I know are failures (but not all) that are pissed at the world.
Miserable "woe is me"...."I've been done wrong"...cry babies.
They are not capable of producing anything themselves
So they have illusions of grandeur by stealing others money for their own agenda.
Except it's not really do-gooding using other people's money.
The Left wants the "pat on the back feel good" using other people's money.
What a sham!

and I can't imagine why I would ever want to meet with such a bully as you.

Cant you come up with your own terms?
The only reason I would like to meet you is for a good laugh.

Physical violence is for idiots.

So is initiating personal attacks in threads
so as to distract away from the original
topic as you have done once again in
this thread. You do it all the's
one of your ways of hiding and changing
the subject.

And theft is for idiots you should refrain
from both and stop trying to force your thieving
agenda on productive people.

I prefer to just cancel out your vote.

We'll see how that works out in 2012,
we already know how that worked out in 2010.

You cannot bully anyone online. I can't, you can't.

Wrong once again.
Ask a lawyer or the police if people can't bully online.

But you want to live in a country that does nothing but bully

Here we go always boils down to you needing to lie to connect the dots.

That is why you suck.

Coming from a prick like you....I'll take that as a badge of honor.
But oh darn.... I'm not overweight like Gov Christie...
Nor do I have a hearing disorder where the Left can "hope he goes deaf".
Or I am not in a position like where some on the Left hoped VP Cheney had been killed in a suicide attack.
And I don't have a handicapped child like Gov Palin the left can make fun of
or an underaged young teen girl the Left can make fun of....
But still it's a badge of honor to have Leftist dropping some "hate" on me!
Cant wait to see the Keys...sitting on my balcony with a Starbucks!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987