Author Topic: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)  (Read 13199 times)

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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2006, 02:21:41 AM »
<<Perhaps i am missing something, but i don't think i would brag about raising a simpleton so easily misled. >>

Mikey replies: She's far from the only mother who did.  Rather than save face and pretend it didn't happen, to her enormous credit she is warning other mothers about the consequences of not going the last mile to save their sons from the death-grip of the U.S. military.

I never realized Cindy was just on a Sheehan "failure as a mother" tour. And here i thought she was just reveling in her 15 minutes of fame.

Michael Tee

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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2006, 02:44:31 AM »
<<And here i thought she was just reveling in her 15 minutes of fame. >>

Why was it so hard for you to believe that she took the loss of her son very deeply?  Many mothers love their sons.  Love them more than they love "Iraqi democracy" or whatever bullshit slogan the Republicans are using this week to justify the ongoing slaughter.  Love them more than they love the U.S. military.  Love them more than they love the "War on Terror."  Do you really think it's so bizarre that a mother could love her son that much?

And if she DID lose her son to the lies and BS of Bush and his accomplices, is it really so strange that she would want to warn other mothers not to fall for the same crap, not to be as complacent as she was, but to fight the war machine with all their strength, unremittingly, to fight to prevent their own sons from lending a hand to it?  Why wouldn't she?  Is'nt it the least she can do now for Casey, to prevent if possible other mothers from mourning for other Caseys who are still alive?

Only a person who is totally divorced from reality, who has no real conception of the depth of a mother's (or father's) love for a son, could ever find Cindly's conduct so bizarre that they would have to search for ulterior motives to explain it.  To real mothers and fathers, parents who really love their children, Cindy's conduct is what it appears to be and it's perfectly normal, once the fear of being separate from the herd is overcome.  Cindy is a courageous mother who overcame her fear and is warning other parents of the dangers of militarism to their own families, trying to instil in others the courage to say "NO!" to their murderous "President."


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2006, 04:02:41 AM »
Mikey blathers on:

Cindy has made this whole crusade about her. She went over the deep end and allowed others to use her grief to advance an agenda that had very little to do with Casey and more to do with GWB. She's a pawn. A willing one.

She came on the horizon demanding to meet with Bush then chages her tune when it comes out that she had already met with him. She cthen claimed that GWB was cold and callous when she met him then the videotapes of the meeting showed quite the opposite. Her credibility is zilch.


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #48 on: December 31, 2006, 10:54:19 AM »
If Juniorbush had not been "selected" president, her son would be alive today.
If you don't let your sons enlist, they will almost certainly live longer, and they will not die in a futile war in Iraq.
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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2006, 11:23:21 AM »
If Juniorbush had not been "selected" president, her son would be alive today.

You have proof of that statement?
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Michael Tee

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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2006, 01:35:30 PM »
<<Cindy has made this whole crusade about her. >>

Cindy made the crusade against war and militarism.  It is her right-wing fascist enemies who have made the whole crusade about her.

<,She went over the deep end . . . >>

NEWS FLASH, BT.  When a mother loses a son, there IS no deep end.  The deep end was already passed when the son died.   Fact is, BUSH went over the deep end - - way over - - when he sold the country on a pack of lies and bullshit and misused the trust he had to squander Casey's life and the lives of thousands of others just as dumb and naive.

<< . . . and allowed others to use her grief to advance an agenda . . . >.

TRANSLATION:  she finds allies and realizes that she's much more effective acting together with them than as one lone voice amongst 300 million others; geeze, the nerve of that bitch.

<<that had very little to do with Casey . . . >>

Well THAT'S bad.  A REAL mother would devote herself to Casey and try to DO something for the poor bugger.  Maybe pray real hard for God to bring him back to life.

<< . . . and more to do with GWB. >>

Stupid bitch.  Why do anything about GWB when all HE ever did was cause the war that took her son's life?  Leave him alone, he's doing a good job sending more soldiers to join Casey in the afterlife, so he won't be so lonely there.  Who she should really be going after is those bastards in the antiwar movement.  They're absolutely un-American.  Satanic, really.  THEY killed Casey by their curses on the saintly Bush's war efforts.

<<She's a pawn. A willing one. >>

Well, that's obvious.  But the question is, WHOSE?  Bin Laden's or Ahmedinejad's?  I'm looking through her garbage every night.  If I find ONE NOTE in Farsi, I'll know it's that bastard Ahmedinejad.

<<She came on the horizon demanding to meet with Bush then chages her tune when it comes out that she had already met with him.>>

Yeah, she met with him in an official setting and at a time when she was too intimidated by the occasion to speak about her real feelings.  I guess her real crime is not staying in the exact same state she was in at the time of her first meeting Bush for the rest of her life.  Who the fuck is SHE to change, reflect, develop, learn or change opinions?   Republicans don't. 

<<She cthen claimed that GWB was cold and callous . . . >>

BUSH?  the guy who mocked Karla Faye Tucker and openly laughed at her pleading for her life?  Cold and callous?  You gotta be shittin' me.

<<then the videotapes of the meeting showed quite the opposite.>>

Yeah, those videotapes really reveal true emotions, don't they?  A smile, a hug, a handshake can be programmed and choreographed, but there's no way they can fool the videotape, at least not for astute watchers like us.  Hey, didja pick up on the sexual arousal the closer Cindy got to Bush?  Scorchin'.

 <<Her credibility is zilch.>>

'Scuseme, WHOSE credibility is zilch?


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #51 on: December 31, 2006, 02:04:48 PM »
If Juniorbush had not been "selected" president, her son would be alive today.
If you don't let your sons enlist, they will almost certainly live longer, and they will not die in a futile war in Iraq.

Casey enlisted in May 2000. Clinton was president at the time.


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2006, 02:32:03 PM »
If Juniorbush had not been "selected" president, her son would be alive today.
If you don't let your sons enlist, they will almost certainly live longer, and they will not die in a futile war in Iraq.

Casey enlisted in May 2000. Clinton was president at the time.

Precisely. Al Gore (the man who was actually elected president) would not have started this useless war. He would not have cherry picked the intelligence as Juniorbush did.

There would have been no invasion of Iraq, and her son would still be alive.
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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #53 on: December 31, 2006, 02:39:26 PM »
There is no proof Gore would have not gone after Iraq. And Casey could have just as easily been killed in Afghanistan. He enlisted in 2000 and re-upped in 2004.


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #54 on: December 31, 2006, 02:46:09 PM »
Al Gore (the man who was actually elected president)

Do you also feel that Andrew Jackson was elected instead of John Quincy Adams? That Samuel J. Tilden was elected instead of Rutherford B. Hayes? That Grover Cleveland won instead of Benjamin Harrison?

It's a shame that apparently Gore was too stupid to understand the rules.
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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #55 on: January 01, 2007, 11:48:50 AM »
If Juniorbush had not been "selected" president, her son would be alive today.
If you don't let your sons enlist, they will almost certainly live longer, and they will not die in a futile war in Iraq.

Casey enlisted in May 2000. Clinton was president at the time.

Precisely. Al Gore (the man who was actually elected president) would not have started this useless war. He would not have cherry picked the intelligence as Juniorbush did.

There would have been no invasion of Iraq, and her son would still be alive.

What do you consider to be the better alternative that Gore would have likely chosen?


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Re: Why We Need More Troops in Iraq (Persuasive essay by Lieberman)
« Reply #56 on: January 01, 2007, 12:20:57 PM »
If not for 9-11 and if Gore had won the electoral college vote, odds are we would be knee deep in Columbia.

Gore's daddy was the Senator from Occidental and Occidental has a huge presence in Columbia.