Author Topic: A Poll  (Read 1123 times)

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A Poll
« on: May 19, 2011, 07:47:52 AM »
I want to check on something. I know this is obviously a very small sample, but what the hey. Please answer honestly and briefly, and after the polling is over I'll say why I'm asking.

1) Had you heard of Seal Team Six prior to the assassination of bin Laden? Now, that's specifically Team Six, not just the SEALS in general, or Team 2, or 1, etc. Just yes, or no.

2) If you had heard of them, for how long had you known about them? 5 months? 2 years? Whatever? 

3) Again, if you had heard of them, did you know there was something "special" about them? Just yes, or no.

4) This question is about the SEALS in general.  If you've known about the SEALS in general, do you know at what base the school/course is that you have to pass to become a SEAL?  Just yes, or no.

Please no additional posting, or comments, until the group has been polled.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: A Poll
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 10:24:50 AM »
1) Had you heard of Seal Team Six prior to the assassination of bin Laden? Now, that's specifically Team Six, not just the SEALS in general, or Team 2, or 1, etc. Just yes, or no.
2) If you had heard of them, for how long had you known about them? 5 months? 2 years? Whatever?

3) Again, if you had heard of them, did you know there was something "special" about them? Just yes, or no.

4) This question is about the SEALS in general.  If you've known about the SEALS in general, do you know at what base the school/course is that you have to pass to become a SEAL?  Just yes, or no.
Maybe I heard they trained at Quantico, maybe I didn't.

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Re: A Poll
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 10:37:34 AM »
I want to check on something. I know this is obviously a very small sample, but what the hey. Please answer honestly and briefly, and after the polling is over I'll say why I'm asking.

1) Had you heard of Seal Team Six prior to the assassination of bin Laden? Now, that's specifically Team Six, not just the SEALS in general, or Team 2, or 1, etc. Just yes, or no.


2) If you had heard of them, for how long had you known about them? 5 months? 2 years? Whatever? 

3) Again, if you had heard of them, did you know there was something "special" about them? Just yes, or no.

4) This question is about the SEALS in general.  If you've known about the SEALS in general, do you know at what base the school/course is that you have to pass to become a SEAL?  Just yes, or no.


Please no additional posting, or comments, until the group has been polled.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: A Poll
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 11:24:10 AM »
No x4
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Re: A Poll
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 01:20:51 PM »
no x 4


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Re: A Poll
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 06:10:30 PM »
That is very interesting.

The reason I put up the poll was because it's being said now that there has been too much talk about the SEALS in general, Seal Team Six particularly, and the bin Laden operation in general. Admiral Mullen said yesterday that we were getting perilously close to jeopardizing this kind of capability due to the all the talk, and that all talk should stop now.

Along these lines it's been interesting to me to hear a number of people say that prior to all this they had never heard of Seal Team Six, never mind it's purpose and capability. This poll is just further evidence of that.

One more thing. While Seal Team Six operates in total secrecy, like The Special Forces's "Delta" unit, a lot about it has been available for decades.

Thank you for taking the poll.




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Re: A Poll
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 11:45:13 PM »

1) Had you heard of Seal Team Six prior to the assassination of bin Laden? Now, that's specifically Team Six, not just the SEALS in general, or Team 2, or 1, etc. Just yes, or no.

Yes  ,.

2) If you had heard of them, for how long had you known about them? 5 months? 2 years? Whatever? 

About ten years.

3) Again, if you had heard of them, did you know there was something "special" about them? Just yes, or no.

Ha! "special"   Yes.

4) This question is about the SEALS in general.  If you've known about the SEALS in general, do you know at what base the school/course is that you have to pass to become a SEAL?  Just yes, or no.

Please no additional posting, or comments, until the group has been polled.
I had to erase a bit.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: A Poll
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 11:49:24 PM »
Last year I read "Rogue Warrior" by Richard Marchinko.

He is still around and makeing money.

Writes a mean book.


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Re: A Poll
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 11:53:11 PM »
I really do not believe that it matters that the existence of such a group puts that group in much danger.

They can always change their name and where they are stationed, anyway.
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Re: A Poll
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 01:45:04 AM »
I would tend to agree with XO on this. The answers to all the questions I asked have been in the public domain for decades. Kennedy made no secret of the creation of the SEALs about 1960 just as there was no secret made of the creation of the Special Forces at the same time. While the SEALs have enjoyed a lower profile than SFs their existence has been widely known. And while Team Six is a different case, it's existence has been widely known also.

As for the exposer of the capabilities of such units, and I'm talking about whats come out in the aftermath of the bin Laden operation, I haven't heard anything I thought of as being compromising. I was a little surprised to see whole pieces of the remains of the "destroyed" stealth helicopter in a photograph. I would have thought large sections, like the tail, would have been more thoroughly destroyed.

Anyway, I've been more amazed by the lack of general knowledge about the SEALs than by anything I've heard being compromising. For example, someone in here, who answered no to all the questions, lives in the state where the SEALs school/course is but doesn't know it. Of course those who know a lot more then I do are going to see certain information as being too close to something secret, and important, than I am.



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Re: A Poll
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2011, 11:16:50 AM »
I knew that there were Seals, and that there was a group of super commandos. I think that this was common knowledge to any serious terrorist organizations.
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