I guess this is a start.
Farr Introduces Bill To Force Iraq Withdrawl
Legislation Would Repeal Authorization For Use Of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution
POSTED: 3:42 pm PST January 11, 2007
UPDATED: 3:47 pm PST January 11, 2007
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, on Thursday introduced legislation to force withdrawal of American armed forces from Iraq.
The legislation would repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002."The longer this war drags on, the clearer it becomes that it is the wrong war at the wrong time for the wrong reasons. Trying to make up for the fact that the Administration insisted on going into Iraq with too few troops more than three years ago by escalating our involvement now is not a 'new strategy.' There is a way forward, but that way is through withdrawing, not sending more troops," Farr said in a news release.
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