Author Topic: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq  (Read 2269 times)

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Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« on: January 15, 2007, 12:21:16 AM »
NYT: 'Newly revealed orders' issued by Bush show US opened front against Iran in Iraq

Published: Sunday January 14, 2007
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Monday's New York Times reports that "newly revealed orders issued by President Bush" show that, along with fighting insurgents and "tamping down sectarian warfare" in Iraq, "a third front has opened — against Iran."

"Administration officials say the goal is limited to preventing Iranians from aiding in attacks on American and Iraqi forces inside Iraq," David E. Sanger writes. "But in recent interviews and public statements, senior members of the Bush administration have made it clear that their agenda goes significantly further, toward foiling Iran’s dream of emerging as the greatest power in the Middle East."

Excerpts from Times article:

In an interview on Friday, before she left on her latest Middle East trip, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described what she called an “evolving” strategy to confront “destabilizing behavior” by Iran across the region. Mr. Bush’s national security adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, said Sunday on the NBC News program “Meet the Press” that the United States was resisting an Iranian effort “to basically establish hegemony” throughout the region.

Even some of Mr. Bush’s fiercest critics do not question that the administration’s conviction that Iran’s ambitions are large is correct. A few midlevel administration officials wondered even in 2003 whether Iran was a far more potent threat than Mr. Hussein.

Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, administration officials argued that deposing Mr. Hussein would send a powerful signal to Iran and North Korea, the two countries that Mr. Bush identified along with Iraq in his 2002 State of the Union address as part of an “axis of evil.”

“You heard this argument in meetings all the time,” a senior official on the National Security Council, who has since left the administration, recalled recently. “Iraq would make the harder problems of Iran and North Korea easier.”
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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 12:26:06 AM »
How can there be a frount against Iran in Iraq , unless there are warfighters or assets o Iran in Iraq?

So is this not Iran opening a frount against the US in Iaq ?

Michael Tee

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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 12:45:42 AM »
<<So is this not Iran opening a frount against the US in Iaq ?>.

Would it make you feel better if that's what it was called?

Frankly, if the U.S. feels the need to protect its strategic interests thousands of miles from its shores in Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan, it shouldn't surprise you that Iran has interests of its own much closer to hand, relatively speaking, and is taking what it considers appropriate steps to preserve or advance them too.

If you're going to play in somebody else's back yard, you shouldn't get too close to his back door or you might get a nasty little surprise.  Even General MacArthur learned that to his great disadvantage.


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 01:22:35 AM »
NYT: 'Newly revealed orders' issued by Bush show US opened front against Iran in Iraq

Published: Sunday January 14, 2007
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“You heard this argument in meetings all the time,” a senior official on the National Security Council, who has since left the administration, recalled recently. “Iraq would make the harder problems of Iran and North Korea easier.”

The object lesson is delivered by beating up the easy, weak kid to send a message to the other two toughies.

Once, when I was nine, I picked a fight with a big, ugly, older girl because I thought she would be easy.

Well, Iran, here we come.  Doesn't matter how the country sees it, George and Dick and the Neocons and the exhausted National Guards are marching towards Iran.

All right.

Where are the Democrats?

Being flummoxed by Neocon audacity is not enough.

Onward Christian Soldiers, going


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 02:43:57 AM »
The populace is ahead of the representatives in antiwar sentiment and desire to get out of Iraq. 
We can push, we can pull, we can call, write, visit, march, exhort, reason together loudly, but we cannot make them vote to get the people out of Iraq.
I think this is an urgent thing.  It might not pass, it might get vetoed if it did pass, it might well not get enough votes to override the veto. But our reps have to try. 
One of our docs here got called up again.  He's going back for 6 months this time.
Good Luck Dr. Ulrich
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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 03:12:00 AM »
This signals -- marks -- what can be termed a descent into madness. We don't need any more fronts. And quite clearly this will antagonize Iran beyond all recall in its nuclear ambitions. Not to mention its alienating effect on the large, moderate center in Iran, cuffed by the radical ayatollahs formerly but looking to the West clandestinely for ideas and practices on living in the 21st century. I would advise Adm. Fallon to retire before he becomes a major party to the Great Middle East War: Bush's swan song of antistatesmanship.


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 03:33:59 AM »
This signals -- marks -- what can be termed a descent into madness. We don't need any more fronts. And quite clearly this will antagonize Iran beyond all recall in its nuclear ambitions. Not to mention its alienating effect on the large, moderate center in Iran, cuffed by the radical ayatollahs formerly but looking to the West clandestinely for ideas and practices on living in the 21st century. I would advise Adm. Fallon to retire before he becomes a major party to the Great Middle East War: Bush's swan song of antistatesmanship.

The Great Middle East War.

Has kind of a ring to it.

Do you suppose tha in the distant future someone will seek out the originator of the phrase that described the first twentyfive years of the century, and find Domer?


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 03:03:45 PM »
<<The Great Middle East War.
Has kind of a ring to it.>>

Would it have the same ring to it if your children were fighting that war?   

The "Great Middle East War", which has so little public support that a draft isn't even considered, that the age limits for the Army have been raised, etc. because people do not support it.  How can I tell? They aren't signing up to go in great numbers.   
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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 03:55:58 PM »
<<The Great Middle East War.
Has kind of a ring to it.>>

Would it have the same ring to it if your children were fighting that war?   

The "Great Middle East War", which has so little public support that a draft isn't even considered, that the age limits for the Army have been raised, etc. because people do not support it.  How can I tell? They aren't signing up to go in great numbers.   

I would like to think we have a choice , but realisticly I do not think so.

We are too likely to loose in Iraq , this will strenthen the enemy that will have to be fought.

Just us quitting will not stop the fighting , more like it will bring it closer to home.

Michael Tee

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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2007, 01:01:16 AM »
<<Just us quitting will not stop the fighting , more like it will bring it closer to home.>>

Sure just like the War Party said in Viet Nam, "You can fight 'em here [in Nam] or you can fight 'em in California."

Well, the U.S. pulled out despite those idiotic predictions.  Anyone remember how many VC were killed fighting in California?


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2007, 05:53:08 AM »
<<Just us quitting will not stop the fighting , more like it will bring it closer to home.>>

Sure just like the War Party said in Viet Nam, "You can fight 'em here [in Nam] or you can fight 'em in California."

Well, the U.S. pulled out despite those idiotic predictions.  Anyone remember how many VC were killed fighting in California?

The Viet Cong were apparently never stupid enough to burn down down town New York or wreck a wing of the Pentagon.
Goodon them for that.
Tell me that that can't happen , this time .


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Re: Third front has opened against Iran in Iraq
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2007, 08:12:02 AM »
The Viet Cong were apparently never stupid enough to burn down down town New York or wreck a wing of the Pentagon.
Goodon them for that.
Tell me that that can't happen , this time .
This would require a third Juniorbush administration: no one else would be so utterly stupid as to permit it to happen again. Ww would also need someone as incompetent as Condi Rice as NS Advisor, and numerous numbskulls scattered about the White House and Intel agencies.

Even Jebbiebush would not be so stupid.

By the way, no Iraqis had anything whatever to do with 9-11. I know that this is know quite well by all, but it needs to be hammered into the thicker skulls of dimwitted ratwingers, where is continues to reoccur with surprising frequency.
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