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wasted effort
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:36:22 PM »

It really isn't necessacery to be there or join in or get pepper sprayed alnog with them.

    Ridicule can be directed at them before you have walked a mile in their shoes.

I expect right few to go to this much trouble.


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 11:42:29 PM »
Mikey did mention agent provocateurs as cover for union thugs to get violent.

Michael Tee

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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 06:49:48 AM »
<<Mikey did mention agent provocateurs as cover for union thugs to get violent.>>

I did????   Funny, I must have missed that post.  Damn!  When did I write it?  I believe that I mentioned FBI provocateurs, not as a "cover" for so-called "union thugs," but as a vehicle for directly discrediting the movement.   This was a common tactic of "your" government against the anti-war movement of the Sixties.

Just in case I expressed myself poorly on this topic, or in case of any genuine misunderstanding of my words, here are my present thoughts on the subject:

During its attack on the anti-war movement, the US government and the FBI in particular heavily relied on the use of agents provocateurs to discredit the movement generally and ultimately to justify violence against them, culminating in the Ohio National Guard's infamous Kent State Massacre of anti-war university students in 1970 and  a  much  less-publicized massacre of black anti-war student protestors in (where else?)  the South.  The relentless defamation of the protest movement as dirty, hippie, anti-American, communistic, seduced a large segment of the US public into taking an "anything goes" attitude against them, so that when state violence was ultimately employed to crush the movement once and for all, public outcry was muted to the extent that it was possible to mute the outrage that the authorities knew would follow the massacre.   The MSM gave the outrage its 15 minutes of fame, then abruptly cut off its coverage and the country "returned to normal" without any more of those pesky protests.

Given its extraordinary success in crushing the student antiwar movement in the early Seventies, I see no reason to believe that the US government is planning to crush OWS in any other way today.  They of course will be discredited in the MSM, efforts which will succeed only in driving more people away from the MSM for their news, and when that fails, there will be escalating police violence against them, and when that fails, at some point the National Guard will be called in somewhere to let the people know who is the boss.  One or two massacres was all it took in the Seventies, and I think one or two massacres will be all it takes now.

BT's version of what I said makes it look like the OWS leaders are planning violence using so-called "union thugs" as their instruments, and that the provocateurs are just part of their plan - - almost as if the true goals of the movement are nothing but violence for the sake of violence, and elaborate plans built around provocateurs are being developed, so that the movement can finally get down to its true objectives, violence and mayhem, and forget all their bullshit about Wall Street greed, taking back the government, etc; this is of course ridiculous, but no more ridiculous than any other portrayals of OWS in the MSM or by anti-OWS politicians and other defenders of the status quo.

It was kind of amusing to read plane's post about the efforts of The Spectator to discredit the march.  They're not an important part of the MSM, so it doesn't really matter much, but it was kind of an eye-opener for me to see how totally shameless the whole operation is.  Even corporate whores like the NYT would probably feel obligated to fire anyone who admitted to what the Spec's reporter admitted to doing, just to keep their journalistic skirts clean.  I would imagine that the Spectator is heavily supported by right-wing corporations or Koch Brothers fronts, so it probably doesn't make any difference to them - - the "reporter" needn't fear any on-the-job rebukes, but I was kind of wondering how this guy could have any friends at all - - what a fucking embarrassment to journalism, to ethics, to the whole human race.  Reading those two Spectator pieces made me feel afterwards like I needed to take a bath.


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 08:27:27 AM »
 " The Spectator" is a Blog site.

    Large scale financeing not necessacerily present.

    Professional journalists probly not present.


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 08:34:54 AM »

    I wouldn't have heard of this except by Brassmask.

     What will an agent provacitouer do to embarrass these guys?

      Act befuddled on camera?
      Spout illogic in very long run on sentences?
      Forget to bathe for a few weeks?
      Tell a comerade of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to just shut up and go away?

       I think they have enough agents of their own to do embarrasing things without help.
      Unfortunately they are really difficult to embarrass.

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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 11:30:48 AM »
What an FBI provocateur will do to embarrass the movement is pretty much limited to acts of violence - - throwing a brick, advocating the use of dynamite, charging a police barricade to bring out the batons and the pepper spray.  What's interesting is that a lot of the cops are pro-demonstrator and have to be provoked into violence against them.  It's a union and pension thing - - cops know a lot about Wall Street because Wall Street stole from their pensions too.

The guy shitting on the police car (someone posted a picture of this here but I can't recall which thread) was probably neither FBI nor OWS - - there are plenty of drug-addled bums and chronic mentally-ill homeless who have been sleeping out in the vicinity of OWS for months if not years, some of whom have attached themselves to the demonstration - -  but shitting on a cop car wouldn't provoke the cops against OWS.  The cops would probably know just by cop-sense that the guy wasn't OWS.


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 01:19:02 PM »
  All those black mask guys that have been crashing the party at every meeting of the G-12 are really the police?



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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 06:29:57 PM »
We only know that the guy had his pants down. It looked like he would have had difficulty crapping on the cop car, and no matter who he was, this was no event and should not be taken seriously as significant of anything by anybody.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 07:15:08 PM »
<<All those black mask guys. . . crashing the party at every meeting of the G-12 are really the police?>>

Some would have to be.  How many exactly, nobody but the police or the FBI or the Mounties would really know.

BTW, plane, I'm sorry that I forgot to thank you for clueing me in as to the Spec being a blog-site and not a magazine.  Merci.  Goes a long way towards explaining the "shamelessness" of the reporter.  Looking back, I recall seeing the tip-jar beside the article, but even then, all I thought at the time was, wow, this mag really has liberal rules on  compensation for its writers.


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 07:40:44 PM »
  Blogsites are terriffic , but what are we going to do to encourage professionalism in small organisations with fluid membership?


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2011, 12:42:10 AM »
April 15, 2010

Much ado has been made recently of planned attempts by left-wing activists to infiltrate the April 15 Tea Parties by posing as extremist conservatives with embarrassing signs in order to discredit the movement.

Oregon teacher Jason Levin, who got in hot water after publicizing his underhanded plans on the (already overwhelmed) Crash the Tea Party site, was the one getting most of the press coverage -- but Jason's initiative apparently inspired several freelance Tea Party Crashers around the country to infiltrate and undermine the April 15 events in their areas. (See the end of this report for bonus links to coverage of these Party-crashing attempts from coast to coast.)

This essay documents the attempts of the infiltrators to disrupt or discredit the Tea Party in San Francisco on April 15.

I first got wind that something sneaky was afoot when I noticed this listing (, which read:


Since the Tea Party itself started at 4pm several blocks away in Union Square, I decided to swing by Civic Center ahead of time and check out what the opposition was up to.

(Hilarity ensues)


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Re: wasted effort
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2011, 05:29:30 PM »
The "Billionaires for . . . " signs are getting pretty old now, but still funny.  The other signs were hilarious.  Thanks, plane.