Author Topic: "After America , There is No Place to Go"  (Read 3944 times)

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Re: "After America , There is No Place to Go"
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2011, 05:31:08 AM »
   Well I will read anything.

    When I think something is really confusing I read the BBC.

     When I think something is very good I make a point of reading both extremes of opinion about it.


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Re: "After America , There is No Place to Go"
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2011, 06:21:38 AM »
There realy is no such thing as the MSM anymore. Just ask the CEOs of ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Michael Tee

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Re: "After America , There is No Place to Go"
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2011, 06:38:17 AM »
<<Well I will read anything.>>

Huh?  Are you channeling Sarah Palin now?

 <<   When I think something is really confusing I read the BBC. >>

OK now we're getting somewhere.  Incrementally but still . . .   How many times in the past two weeks have you been so confused on a specific issue that you had to go to the BBC?  What specific issues were they?

(If you can't remember exactly, your browser history will tell you.)

Are there any news or opinion shows that you watch regularly on TV?  (other than Faux News of course :))  Do you subscribe to any newspapers or magazines?

<<     When I think something is very good I make a point of reading both extremes of opinion about it. >>

Well I don't think very many people (myself included) go that deep, so maybe you were the wrong guy to challenge, but nevertheless, I'd still like to go on with the experiment if you want to.  Surely you can make a pretty  good stab at naming your top ten or top 15 sources of fact and opinion.  Think about it, take your time.  I'm going back to sleep now anyway so there's certainly no rush. Hopefully you can even rank them in loose order.  (Just don't tell me that you put Press TV at the top of the list.)


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Re: "After America , There is No Place to Go"
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2011, 09:17:45 PM »
    What I get most frequently is NPR radio, Morning Edition and All Things Considered , Fresh Air , On the Media,etc....    I like the music there too.

    This is not the most frequent sorce because it is especially good for news, but because I can listen while I work and it is the best availible on the radio.

     I watch some Fox News in the evening , often while I am typing on line buliten board posts.

      I use Google a lot , which of course throws me onto Wicipedia a lot. But Google is an easy way to find the polar opinions on the two (or more)  sides of a question.

     AS I think about it I don't really search up BBC all that often , but I hold it in especially high reguard for its long history of responsible reporting , so I do resort to the BBC as a default when everything elese seems unreliable.  Msnbc is on my homepage just for cconvienience I suppose.

    Hufpo is fun and I go there when I am in a mischevious mood, precicely because they are highly biased and unreliable . I havent been to Drudge in a while Drudge takes risks and scoops the rest now and then, but  that the news is very fresh  doesn't appeal to me , I would just as soon have a well aged set of facts that has been challenged many times .

      Al Jezeera is a promising up and comer , once in a while I check them out but I don't make a point of it very often, only when the question is middle eastern and I don't feel that the western oriented press has been adequite.

     I have had to do a bit of self examination to find this about myself , far and away my most frequent web crawl is origionateing on Debategate from where I follow links and Google for additional sorces.
      My second most frequent web crawl is exploration of the internets enoumous  cartoons page.
      My third most common web search origionates with my job, trade magazines that are work related and topics of scientific intrest or articles in Discover Magazine and Scientific American.
     Hmmm....Bible gateway now and then.

        Hmmmmm....   I might ought to reverse these in order.

       Thanks MT ,once again ,you assist me to live an examined life.


Michael Tee

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Re: "After America , There is No Place to Go"
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2011, 12:27:02 AM »
<<Thanks MT ,once again ,you assist me to live an examined life.>>

LOL, thanks plane, it was entertaining and interesting to go through your varied sources of information and your stream-of-consciousness listing.   I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop my challenge and concede defeat here.  You're obviously one of the American public who DOESN'T get everything he sees or hears through the six corporations mentioned by Hedges.