Personally, IMHO it'll only work IF the troops are not severely restricted in their use of force. As the current post Saddam era is largely a police action, the constraints put upon our military are likely one of the main reasons the insurgency has contined to fester like a painful boil
Note (for Tee primarily), that does not translate into allowing the military cart blanche to shoot any and everyone that moves. It simply allows them the means and tools to go after suspected insurgents & terrorists, as if they were still in war mode, which they should still be in.
So the main difference between the orderly, professional mayhem that you advocate and and the Shoot-Everything-That -Moves conception that you believe that Tee has of it is that in your mind, the Marines would kick down doors, pitch in tear gas and then not shoot women, children under 15 and pets?
Please tell me if I am wrong.
And by the way,
What obviously happened during the Long Dark Night of the Soul that Juniorbush experienced over the Xmas holidays is that he decided that he wanted to avoid being called the worst thing a Bush can be called (wimp!) and decided to side with McCains's more violent plan.
The generals told him the number of troops he needed, and then the much smaller number that he had. Because Juniorbush is always such a cocky optimist, he has chosen to combine the lesser, inadequate number of troops with prayer. Perhaps he should consult with a greater optimist: I suggest R. Kelly, who has professed a belief that he can fly...
These conversations with the generals are sure to be classified and we won't see them until all the post-Juniorbush disaster books are written, as the massive War of Pointing Fingers in books selling for $29.95 (a Richard Nixon favored price) begins.