Author Topic: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings  (Read 6630 times)

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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2011, 08:00:00 PM »

Consider that the special interests have already secured every goal that's important to them by the simple expedient of bribery - - the Zio-Nazis have their 100% pro-Israeli foreign policy, the War Party (military-industrial complex) has its "endless war" policy, Wall Street and the 1% have their tax breaks for the rich, no-regulation, bail-out policies and the insurance industry has privatized health care insurance with NO public option.  They love the government just as it is, although I'm sure they'd prefer legislators who are for sale at much less than current rates.

    And who do you think would be the most disarmed by stronger gun controll ?

     One of these here mentioned groups?

     Or just the advradge guy?


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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2011, 08:03:23 PM »
  In Syria government friendly snipers are fireing on crouds with impunity.

   If it really can't happen here , this begs the question , why can't it happen here?

Michael Tee

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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2011, 08:24:47 PM »
And who do you think would be the most disarmed by stronger gun controll ?

     One of these here mentioned groups?

     Or just the advradge guy?

You just missed the whole point of the post - - the special interests have absolutely no need to strengthen their control over a nation whose legislature they have bought and paid for.  The dumb schmucks who think their firepower is a match for the Feds or indeed any police force will learn their painful lesson all over again the next time they want to pull a Ruby Ridge or a Waco.  The special interests who have bought the Congress have no need to strengthen gun control any more than they already have.  Nor do they really need to pull out all stops and institute a fascist government, and if they did, they would have no trouble convincing the right-wing nuts  who own all the guns in private circulation that their move was necessary to forestall a left-wing coup.


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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2011, 08:26:14 PM »
The dumb schmucks who think their firepower is a match for the Feds or indeed any police force will learn their painful lesson all over again the next time they want to pull a Ruby Ridge or a Waco. 

Who are those folks??
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2011, 08:42:32 PM »
 << In Syria government friendly snipers are fireing on crouds with impunity.>>

Also in Syria, armed gangs are firing on Army troops with weapons smuggled in from no one seems to know where.  Nor can anyone really determine at this point exactly which foreign interests these armed gangs are serving.  We don't really know a helluva lot about Syria, really.  Not even who the snipers are who are firing into the crowds or who they represent.

   <<If it really can't happen here , this begs the question , why can't it happen here?>>

No, of course not.  Kent State was just a bad dream, Jackson State was a made-for-TV movie.  The difference between Syria and the U.S.A. is obvious:  Americans are a bunch of gutless pussies who quit as soon as six university students were killed.  The Syrians have the balls to take a licking and keep on ticking, no matter how many students have died.  It's really too bad.  Real Revolutionary will for change does not exist in the U.S.A. any more.  Unless it can come out of the Occupy! movement.


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Re: US Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2011, 08:53:32 PM »
<< In Syria government friendly snipers are fireing on crouds with impunity.>>

Also in Syria, armed gangs are firing on Army troops with weapons smuggled in from no one seems to know where.  Nor can anyone really determine at this point exactly which foreign interests these armed gangs are serving.  We don't really know a helluva lot about Syria, really.  Not even who the snipers are who are firing into the crowds or who they represent.


  They can't be Syrians?