I suppose that if using any sort of embryos for stem cell research is actually "taking innocent human life", as Brownback and even Juniorbush says, then the only logical thing for a president to do would be to ban all of it everywhere in the country, and perhaps break off relations with any other country that allows it as well.
If he does this, he is sure to be labeled a religious fanatic.
If he doesn't, then he has no real principles and is just full of crap.
He's not another Ronald Reagan, except perhaps in terms of his intellect. He is no great speaker, and he is not from a major state. So far all he's done is be a rubber stamp in the Senate for the failed policies of Juniorbush.
Brownback is a lightweight. Probably with less chance than Kucinich. And precisely as wrong on the issues as Kucinich is right.