But the mistakes Reagan made were the mistakes of nobility not stupidity, the imperfection that tripped Reagan up this time was his soft heart.
Reagan was told what to do nearly every step of the way. He was a pawn. He was told to send troops to Lebanon, probably because of Israel. He did not do it because he had a "soft heart". No one sends Marines anywhere because they have a soft heart.
Mondale and Carter were both better human beings that Ronald Stupid Reagan.
I find your post to be ,fact free.
Ronald Reagan makes every president we have had since Eisenhower seem like a mental midget, Yes I know Carter was a Nuclear engineer but I stint my statement not.
Think back on how pale and weak the fortyfirst president seemed when compared to the great communicator.
Even though BHO has almost nothing at all in common with Reagan , he likes to wear the Reagan mantle , not realising how small he seems in those shoes.
Try to remember the massacres that the Marines were supposed to be halting when they arrived, when you say "No one sends Marines anywhere because they have a soft heart." you reveal a basic misunderstanding of the Marines and the nation they serve.
I can agree with you that we might have been better off never interfering with the rot of Lebanon, but we would have had to hearden our hearts a lot to watch it continue.