The US is purposely keeping Iraq a dangerous place to do business for oil companies. The French and Russia companies don't have militaries there to protect their operations. The US does.
That is why Bush is so deadset against ending the war in Iraq. If he were to do that, he'd be the next Kennedy. Anybody who crosses Big Oil gets a one way ticket to Grave City.
If everything is in the crapper in Iraq, none of the other "Western countries" are going to try getting their grubby little fingers dipped in that sweet, sweet Texas Tea.
<<If everything is in the crapper in Iraq, none of the other "Western countries" are going to try getting their grubby little fingers dipped in that sweet, sweet Texas Tea.>>
There was a recipe for trout (Izaak Walton's, IIRC,) which began something like, "First you have to catch your fish." Assuming that the U.S. is ultimately successful in "catching its fish" (slaughtering the Iraqi nation into subjugation) they may in fact throw a few minor concessions to some of the other Western countries, (a) to "prove" to the idiot contingent that it really wasn't about oil (even though anyone with an IQ higher than the average house plant's knows that it WAS all about oil); and (b) as small change in the favours bank.
Hopefully, it won't end that way, and the Iraqis will continue their valiant fight to drive out the oil crusaders and still be the masters of their own natural resouces after the last American body bag leaves their country for good.