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Overshot in Florida
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:18:15 PM »
Overshot in Florida
The no-go area of no-go areas
By Colin Liddell

Here in Japan we have had a no-go area since the great earthquake of last year. Such areas are something of a rarity in these parts. This one is rather large stretching across a radius of 20 km. It is centred on the Fukushima nuclear reactor, which was badly damaged by the tsunami caused by the quake, and is meant to protect people from radioactive contamination. In the usual, slightly nannying way common in these parts, it has been marked with all the paraphernalia that one would associate with no-go areas: manned roadblocks, no-entry signs, flashing lights, occasional automated announcements, and a range of gentle fines.

But while no-go zones are extremely uncommon in Japan, where walking about at night is perfectly safe, this is certainly not the case in America, where the trial for the murder of two British tourists shot in the Florida resort town of Sarasota has just ended in the conviction of Shawn Tyson, a Black 17-year-old youth.

No doubt if Obama had a son, he would also look like Tyson.
While Japan makes great efforts to mark its no-go zones, the same cannot be said for America. There it is regarded as something of a social faux pas to put up appropriate signage.

Regarding the case, it seems that the murder victims, James Cooper and James Kouzaris, after an evening spent at a couple of downtown bars, the last of which closed at 2 am, decided to walk to a well-known 24-hour diner, located about one-and-half miles away, for an early hours breakfast. After failing to take the right turning, they continued on their way to what newspapers in their coded way described as a "ghetto," "run-down estate," and "public housing project." The pictures of the murder site, however, showed a pleasant enough row of tree-shaded bungalows, each with its own spacious yard, and a car, SUV, or pickup truck in every driveway.

Certainly this is not the kind of obvious no-go area that innocent, liquored-up tourists could be expected to recognize, but no-go area it certainly was as quotes from the local police captain Paul Sutton to the press made clear. He admitted that detectives had ignored "lifestyle differences" between Britons and Americans and assumed the tourists would never have dreamed of trying to get around on foot. Sutton also talked about the men "losing their bearings" and "overshooting" the "correct turning." In other words, there are certain places it isn't safe to walk and no signs to let people know they have taken the wrong turning or wandered too far.

Sutton wanted to make it sound as if what happened to the two men was some kind of accident; as if they had haphazardly walked off a cliff or gone scuba diving without the correct equipment. In a sense this is true. There is an almost impersonal quality and predictability about Whites wandering into America?s no-go zones at night without the requisite number of guns, mace, bullet-proof vests, and police back up.

Cooper and Kouzaris were clearly targeted because they were White. One of the witnesses at the trial Jermaine Bane said he had a phone call from Tyson in which he heard him say: "Who are those crackers walking past the park?" When Tyson found out they had no money he decided to kill them for pleasure. The court heard that Tyson had boasted to a female friend, Latrece Washington, that one of the men had begged for his life but he shot him anyway.

In the press that followed the killings, it was routinely referred to a "botched robbery." Remember that term for future reference, as it occurs every time Blacks rob Whites and then shoot the victims for a racial buzz. Other notions floated during the initial period of the investigation included the suggestion that Cooper and Kouzaris were trying to buy drugs, were the victims of a "honey-trap" operation, or were even "ghetto tourists."

The cumulative effect of all this speculation was to make the victims seem like they were the problem, not the killer. In the days that followed their murder, with Sarasota baking in the media spotlight, Cooper and Kouzaris were effectively presented as bar-crawling drunks with poor orienting skills. They were also depicted as womanizing dope fiends with a thrill-seeking death wish. The clear message was: "Don't worry, tourists, you have to be a really sick fuck to get blown away in Sarasota." Just the reassuring message the local holiday trade needed!

While most American Whites, especially White Liberals, have mastered enough doublethink to successfully avoid America's honky-shooting no-go areas without being too overtly conscious of the racial dimension, it is unfair to expect this sort of advanced Orwellian thinking from foreign tourists whose picture of America has been shaped by a Hollywood where Morgan Freeman is God, Dennis Haysbert President, and all the crooks Whites (often with Southern, German, or English accents).

On its website, Sarasota looks like a lovely place. Back at the time of the killing its beaches were advertised with the disturbingly elitist slogan "All beaches are not created equal." This has now been changed to "So many beaches so little time." Echoing these slogans we could also say that not all the neighbourhoods of Sarasota have been created equally safe?for obvious reasons?and that wandering into some of them will give you a lot less time on this planet.

Given that Sarasota is a holiday destination that attracts na?ve foreigners and then tries to get them drunk and high, it might be a good idea to fence off certain parts of the town with barbed wire and put up warning signs exactly as you would if there were dangerous cliffs or a stretch of water with a deadly undertow or sharks. As some of the tourists may not be fluent in English, these should also be very visual, with appropriate images of trigger-happy racist Black thugs.

In Japan they try not to have any no-go areas, but when they do they at least make strenuous efforts to clearly delineate them. America by contrast is riddled with dangerous no-go areas, but instead of this being openly admitted and measures taken to keep out potential victims, any mention is suppressed. In America it seems that the most obvious no-go area is the subject of no-go areas itself.
I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke