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Religious Dick

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The Turd World
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:00:36 AM »
The Turd World

by Gavin McInnes

June 15, 2012

Every time Islam pokes its head out of its towel, I get nostalgic. Oh, women in Egypt were sexually assaulted for protesting sexual assault last week? Ahh, that takes me back to the halcyon days of the Wild West. Pardon? Did you say a Muslim man screamed, ?God is great!? before throwing his wife?s head out the window in Berlin earlier this month? Ho ho, that takes me back hundreds of years to the old witch hunts in that fun little college party town called Salem. What?s that? Homosexuality is still a capital offense in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, North Sudan, and Yemen? Ah, sweet old 16th-century England. When I was told yet another woman was stoned to death in the Sudan a fortnight ago, I was catapulted back to the way we were in the 4th century.

Peering into Islam is like picking up your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather?s diary. Muslims are simply way behind us. They?re merely slower than us??retarded,? if you will. We see the same thing happening in Mexico. We assume their drug wars are evidence of the natives gone savage, but they?re really just struggling to fill the vacuum Pablo Escobar left behind. We went through the same growing pains during Prohibition.

The Turd World will catch up with us in a hundred years, so leave ?em be and let ?em have at it. We need to get out of the Middle East because you can?t fast-forward progress. Let nature run its course.

The End.

Wait?I just saw footage of Iran in the 1970s before the fundamentalists took over. Sexy women in miniskirts were getting science degrees and driving cool cars. I can?t tell who?s gay or not, but the scene is virtually indistinguishable from 70s New York when our mayor was gay, so I?m guessing things were relatively groovy. Education was free for women in Iraq back then, too. Iraqi women today are back to where they were 100 years ago. In fact, the entire Arab world seemed way more modern half a century ago. They?re not slowly catching up to us. They?re going backward!

There are many theories to explain this regression. I posited here that it was from their extensive inbreeding. Irshad Manji takes a gentler approach (for which she received death threats) and insists that extremists hijacked Islam and bastardized it into a totalitarian ideology. Before now, I?d accepted both theories as plausible. Eventually, Islam would get over inbreeding, reclaim their religion, and become civilized.

However, a few beers with a scientist has changed my mind for good. He explained that in 2010, a group of physicists proved that Phillip K. Dick?s ?multiple-future? theories are not mere science fiction. It?s entirely possible that parallel universes exist. When you decide to take the right turn at a fork in the road, there could be an entire other world where the decision to turn left exists and another ?you? lives out those consequences. The ?you? who turned left isn?t going to catch up with your car and merge. He?s gone for good.

That?s when it hit me. Islam isn?t far behind. They?ve chosen a different path. Where our soldiers see death as a loss, they see it as a victory. They?re no longer in line with our space-time continuum. We shouldn?t get out of the Middle East because you can?t fast-forward progress. We need to get out of the Middle East because they?ve chosen to irrevocably regress.

Do you remember when we forbade calendars with pictures of kittens on them? Me, neither. How about that strange epoch when Christians insisted women could only hang out with men they breast-feed? Never happened. Islam isn?t a culture that needs to be coaxed toward Western values. It?s a culture that has gone off the deep end forever. I no longer care if it?s because of inbreeding or cultural hijacking or brainwashing. That part of the world is irretrievably lost and there?s nothing we can do about it. Let?s cut the cord and bid them adieu for good. They can hop on their camels and drive through whatever alternate universe they choose and take whatever turn they want as long as they don?t end up in our backyard.
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-Sir Edmund Burke

Religious Dick

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Re: The Turd World
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 04:15:21 AM »
Right-wing 'Liberaltarian' Pratfall
By Colin Liddell

It's good to see Gavin McInnes giving his usual sensitive take on the Islamic world, over at Taki's. Yes, he's right. Islam does produce plenty of newsworthy and easy-to-ridicule moments. For a writer of McInnes's sarkiness it must look like one hell of an inviting pi?ata, although the words "fish," "barrel," and "shoot" also spring to mind.

The Muzzies are a right lot, and what an image too: beards, frothing mobs, bums in the air, scimitars, shadowy women shuffling around in binbags, Allah-akbar-this, Allah-akbar-that, etc. etc. Writing about them in the way McInnes does is the right-wing 'liberaltarian' equivalent of the easy-laugh pratfall engaged in by comedians of the silent era like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin.

Those who have read the article probably experienced the same disquieting feeling that I did. After the easy laughs and the rather clunky juxtapositions of moments culled from the oddball doings of a quarter of the world's population with historical reference points from our own past savagery, it is the obvious smugness of McInnes's article that stands out:

 They're merely slower than us?"retarded," if you will.

The idea that McInnes explores in the first half of his article is basically that: that the Muzzies are a less developed version of our wonderful, liberated Western selves. Hence the references to the Salem witch trials and the mini-skirts that once adorned Tehran under the Shah.

But Taki's readers are intelligent. Following that simple line too far won?t keep them interested, so McInnes throws in his next big idea, a clever-sounding piece of sci-fi theorizing courtesy of Philip K. Dick about multiple futures. In the way that McInnes uses this idea it sounds suspiciously like a disguised version of Calvinistic Predestination (an echo of McInnes?s Scottish roots perhaps), with the Muzzies as the Damned-and-there's-nothing-they-can-do-about-it and the cool people McInnes represents as the Elect-whatever-the-fuck-they-do.

The problem however is that the Muzzies are not quite as backward or damned as McInnes would like to think. "Backward" can mean a variety of things. Usually it?s connected to technology: e.g. Japan was backward in 1853 when America's paddle steamers showed up. The Incas and the Aztecs were similarly out of their depth with the high-tech wizardry of the Spaniards, but cases like this are rare and are limited to a brief period in human history when year-on-year technological change was on a revolutionary scale and new lands were being discovered. It is a period that is now over.

In his book "The Great Stagnation," Tyler Cowen says his grandmother saw great changes during her life, citing the birth of airplanes, skyscrapers, suspension bridges, radio, television, antibiotics, atomic bombs, nuclear energy, interstate highways, jet travel, and a moon landing, among others; and contrasts this with a child born in 1970 who has seen the advent of biotechnology, drones, CDs, cellphones, internet porn, and?erm?Facebook.

The Islamic world might still be technologically backward, but they were a lot more backward in 1970 and 1917, when they still fought in a way that Mohammed would have recognized.

But rather than a lack of technological glitz, backwardness can be also be defined as the inability to solve existing problems, especially the existential problems that bedevil the West, like our feeble fertility rate, increasingly broken family structures, and need to import masses of people of markedly different cultures and inclinations.

In this respect, the idea that the Muslims are backward and need to catch up with us is clearly wrong. Indeed, it is entirely the other way round. In terms of demographic effectiveness, the Muslims are streets ahead of us, as are Non-Islamic Africans, Hispanics, and Indians. This might be one tiny little point lost in the great big bundle of Western technological, cultural, and consumerist superiority, but come back in a hundred years and see the difference it makes.

McInnes aims most of his venom at the Muslim attitude to gays and women. The Muzzies being the 25% of the world that they are, he is luckily able to find some nice examples: a guy chucking his wife's head out the window and an old cleric's ramblings about drinking breast milk, among them.

But these are just kooky extremes that deflect from the heart of the issue. What McInnes is essentially attacking is the notion ? unpopular in the oversexualized and demographically impotent West ? that the human body is not merely a sex toy. It is ironic therefore that in an article attacking Muslim backwardness, his attack is centered on the point where they are most ahead of the West.
I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke


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Re: The Turd World
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 01:08:50 PM »
   Is our feeble reproductive rate really a problem?

    ZPG is a goal for some people , a virtue if you will, if the muslims over take us by sheer numbers they will be condemning themselves to poverty with the same decisions.

     Oops , that probly will work, they will have uniformly large familys and blame the resulting poverty on the west. Just another motivator.