Ecuador is currently on a binge to save its many wild areas. It is the most biodiverse country in South America, with four distinct regions: The Sierra, the coastal lowlands, the Amazon Basin and the Galapagos.
The Galapagos is a separate province and a national park. Admission for non-Ecuadoreans is $100.
Ecuadorean Public television is presenting a series of documentaries on every one of the 26 provinces and the Cantons with in them. They have some truly different birds, bugs and animals, and some really spectacular scenery. I have driven through the Rockies, the Cascades, the ERA Madres and West Virginia, but they are all rather puny compared to the Andes.
The Panamerican Highway through the Andes has no straight stretches, you can nearly always see below you or above you the road where you have been and the road where you are going.
You come over a crest and see a town strewn out in a deep valley and it will take a half hour to descend into it, your ears popping all the way. Then the bus will gradually climb up and out, snaking through hairpin bends up to another crest and down into another valley. Quito, the capital is at 9,500 ft above sea level, in a narrow valley between two rows of mountains. For about a half an hour, the highway went along the highest ridge of the Andes, maybe 11,000 ft., alongside power lines and a series of cellphone towers.
Ecuador has plenty of oil, and Diesel is $1.03 per gallon (yes, they use gallons) so bus travel is cheap, about $1.00 per hour. The buses are less roomy than in Argentina or Uruguay, but clean and relatively comfortable. There are buses everywhere. I never made a reservation, nor did I have to wait over 20 minutes for a bus.
The tallest mountain in Ecuador is Chimborazo, at 6267 mts. or 20,702. The Earth bulges at the Equator, so it's summit is further from the Earth's center than any other place on Earth. Acongagua, in Argentina, is the highest of the Andes at 6962 mts. or 22,841 ft. Cotopaxi is the most impressive, because it is more like a cone in shape. Chimborazo is a rather scattered mass.