I wonder if the CDC report factors in whether residents cross state lines to obtain abortions.
I really doubt that they have any information of this type in their database.
But being as Mississippians have traditionally gone to Memphis or New Orleans for a lot of other business, I imagine that they do the same when it comes to abortions.
Mississippi is more rural than most states. Girls living on the farm therefore have a more limited access to both doctors to give them prescriptions and drugstores for them to go to.There are other factors as well, but this is surely one of them.
I have noted that Southern Baptists (both Black and White) tend to be more hypocritical about moral issues than other people.They preach more against booze, and yet they tend to get arrested more for alcohol related incidents(DWI and such) than other churchgoers. There is a dichotomy between revivals and backsliding that seems to be quite prevalent among Baptists( as well as many evangelicals). Elmer Gantry types (like Jimmy Swaggert) abound in the rural South.
Women plan NOT to have sex, and then give in to the urge,just as they will holler AMEN! to any drivel any preacher says in one of the typically outrageous sermons. The emotional overpowers the logical, and therefore the woman refuses to get BC and backslides and gets pregnant. Abortion is the revival and the penance for sin in that case.
Mississippians are heavily Baptist as well as less educated than other Americans.