Author Topic: G8 Summit  (Read 426 times)

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G8 Summit
« on: June 17, 2013, 12:16:00 AM »
Jonathan Marcus
BBC diplomatic correspondent

The differences between Russia's position on Syria and that of the West was thrown into stark relief by the Downing Street meeting between President Putin and the prime minister.

They are so deep that they look set to overshadow this G8 summit in Northern Ireland unless, as Mr Cameron hopes, the discussion can focus on bolstering chances for some kind of renewed peace talks in Geneva.

But that seems a vain hope. The balance of advantage on the ground in Syria seems to be shifting towards the government side.

Hezbollah's role in joining the fighting threatens a much broader contagion.

The Syria drama risks becoming a regional crisis, with countries such as France now describing this as a struggle between the rebels on one side and the Syrian regime, Hezbollah and Iran on the other.