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Kerry Statement on climate change
« on: May 23, 2014, 07:37:20 PM »
Jakarta, Indonesia

February 16, 2014

Thanks to President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the United States is well on our way to meeting the international commitments to seriously cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and that’s because we’re going straight to the largest sources of pollution. We’re targeting emissions from transportation – cars trucks, rail, et cetera – and from power sources, which account together for more than 60 percent of the dangerous greenhouse gases that we release.

The President has put in place standards to double the fuel-efficiency of cars on American roads. And we’ve also proposed curbing carbon pollution from new power plants, and similar regulations are in the works to limit the carbon pollution coming from power plants that are already up and already running.

Oh?  I didn't know we had done so well.

But the United States – simple reality: just as I talked about the scientific facts in the beginning, this is a fact – the United States cannot solve this problem or foot the bill alone. Even if every single American got on a bicycle tomorrow and carpooled – instead of – or carpooled to school instead of buses or riding in individual cars or driving, or rode their bike to work, or used only solar powers – panels in order to power their homes; if we each, every American, planted a dozen trees; if we eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions – guess what? That still wouldn’t be enough to counter the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.

Wasn't that the Gore plan?

Now I am pleased to tell you that the leaders of China agree that it is time to pursue a cleaner path forward. And China is taking steps, and we have already taken significant steps together through the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group that we launched in Beijing last year.

That's good news.


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2014, 07:56:47 PM »

May 21, 2014
"If we make the necessary efforts to address this challenge—and supposing I'm wrong or scientists are wrong, 97% of them all wrong—supposing they are, what's the worst that can happen?" Mr. Kerry said. "We put millions of people to work transitioning our energy, creating new and renewable and alternative; we make life healthier because we have less particulates in the air and cleaner air and more health; we give ourselves greater security through greater energy independence—that's the downside."

This is a bit embarrassing Mr. Secretary.


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2014, 08:07:25 PM »
Just plain Wrong, oh well , this happens to us all.

“Thirty-four degrees centigrade [Celsius] in Vietnam today, in May. Twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-two, thirty-three in places all around Europe,” he said. “Unprecedented. Breaks every record that’s ever been seen.”

“What we are seeing around the world is what scientists have predicted,” Kerry continued. “They’re not telling us that we may see global climate change. We are seeing it, and we’re seeing the impacts now.”

Wednesday was a hot day in Vietnam, with temperatures rising at their highest to 36 degrees celsius (96.8°F) at Tan Son Nhut international airport in Ho Chi Minh City. But according to Vietnam’s foreign ministry, the highest temperature recorded in May is 39°C (102.2°F) in Ho Chi Minh City, and 42°C (107.6°F) in Hanoi. The Hanoi record was registered in 1926.

European temperature map
European temperatures on the early afternoon of Wednesday, May 21, 2014 (Map:

The hottest places in Europe in the heat of the day on Wednesday, according to included parts of Russia, Germany, central Italy and southern Turkey, all in the 29-32°C (84-89°F) range.

The highest temperature ever recorded in European Russia was 44°C (111.2°F) in 2010; in Germany was 40.2°C (104.4°F) in 1983 and 2003; in Italy was 48.5°C (119.3°F) in 1999; and in Turkey was 48.8°C (119.8°F) in 1993.


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2014, 08:15:00 PM »

This is probably smart.
He may have contempt for Congress, and run to Mexico rather than answer a subpoena, but if he gets less Benghazi on him this is a good thing for him.

Perhaps this is the reason for the poorly prepared remarks, he might have been in a hurry to get to Mexico and talk climate because it is a lot better than trying to explain Benghazi .

Besides why would we expect him to know anything about Benghazi? 

Secretary of State John Kerry was issued a subpoena last week and called to testify about Benghazi in front of the House Oversight Committee on May 21. Yesterday he said he would comply with the subpoena. Now, the State Department has released a statement saying Kerry will not be available to testify because he'll be in Mexico.


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2014, 07:24:01 PM »
He was not in Benghazi, why even bother to call him to testify?

Kerry has not "fled" to Mexico.

And he is entirely right: renewable energy is better and the faster we convert to it, the better off we will be.
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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2014, 08:28:43 AM »
  He is the present secretary of state.

Why should he be considered an interested party if the secretary of state at the time herself is not?


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2014, 03:20:14 PM »
They have already had hearings on Benghazi. There is nothing more to discover.

Kerry was not Secretary when this occurred, how could he be involved?

Watch and see how he does not "flee to Mexico"
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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2014, 09:03:34 AM »
They have already had hearings on Benghazi. There is nothing more to discover.

Kerry was not Secretary when this occurred, how could he be involved?

Watch and see how he does not "flee to Mexico"

At those hearings was anything found out?

Or was the Secretary of State forthcoming with real information and upfront answers to questions?

I seem to remember her shouting "What difference does it make ?" as she refused to give straight answers about the deaths of her employees.


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2014, 10:55:23 AM »
They have already had hearings on Benghazi. There is nothing more to discover.

Actually, that is surprise there.....unless you you can answer these questions still yet to be discovered:

WHO refused the added security that was being begged for by Stevens, of all people?
WHO authorized the stand down order for no attempt to rescue/defend Stevens and the other Americans?
WHO authorized the changing of the talking points in removing all form of "terrorists" & Ansar al-Sharia, which WAS DETERMINED WITHIN HOURS, by the CIA, as the source of the attack, but even weeks later, making it about some obscure video that no one saw??

While Kerry may not be in a position to answer those, and other pressing questions, the notion that there's nothing left to be discovered is pure blinded partisanship
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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2014, 10:10:54 PM »
  Kerry is shrewd, he will do whatever it takes to get away from Benghazi and not get it smeared on him.

   I don't think Hillary has this choice, if she runs for president she is liable to reprise the Verizon commercial as every few minutes a reporter will ask her "Does it matter Now?" 


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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2014, 12:18:20 PM »
They have already had hearings on Benghazi. There is nothing more to discover.

WHO refused the added security that was being begged for by Stevens, of all people?
WHO authorized the stand down order for no attempt to rescue/defend Stevens and the other Americans?
WHO authorized the changing of the talking points in removing all form of "terrorists" & Ansar al-Sharia, which WAS DETERMINED WITHIN HOURS, by the CIA, as the source of the attack, but even weeks later, making it about some obscure video that no one saw??

Didn't think much for the notion that nothing more can be discovered.....except for some of the most pressing questions that still remain perhaps
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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2014, 09:34:41 AM »
What the Hell would be the point?

What happened, happened. The situation will never repeat itself. No one committed a crime. No one can be convicted of anything.

The only lesson to be learned is that diplomats should be more careful. There is no purpose to wasting time and money on this bullshit.

It's like these hearings are the equivalent of a laser pointer, with the idiot teabaggers playing the role of neurotic cats.
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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2014, 10:41:13 AM »
What the Hell would be the point?

So, you don't have those answers either.  The point is that the most pressing issues yet to be discovered, have yet to be, despite your claim that nothing else can be.  And no, this wasn't Stevens fault.  He was as careful as he could have been, begging for more security. 

Despite the effort to misdirect and deflect with more potshots at the tea party, the reason you'd rather not see the answers to these questions, yet to be provided with answers, is that it would likely shoot down any chance Obama had at re-election, and any chance Hillary might have had to succeed him.  That's why you'd rather not have any more questioning, and pretend everything's been answered, to make it all go away

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Re: Kerry Statement on climate change
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2014, 02:13:59 PM »
So, let's phrase this differently, and hypothetically answer the "who"

If Hillary made the call to deny the added security requests, you think she has even shadow of a chance to be elected president?  Skip the GOP or what "moron" you'd proclaim doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to be elected, and think about how the electorate would respond to that

If Obama made the call to hold back any chance of saving anyone, and was behind the subsequent changing of the talking points, so as to make it seem like it was some spontaneous riot that spread vs some organized terrorist act and confirmation of a failed foreign policy, we'd be addressing President Romney right now

Is it any wonder folks on the left have no interest in discovering what really happened.  Staying cloaked in a cloud of ignorance shields them from political reality.  Not to mention puts more of our citizens at risk
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle