Barak Obama is pretty much unique, because as a rule, the children of foreigners do not tend to enter politics, and there are not a lot of children of African graduate students and American mothers in any event. This really has little to do with his abilities, but it is politically important because he is black, and at the same time more Amewrican than, say, John Kerry's wife or Ariana Huffington.
They said before Juniorbush was nominated that all his foreign experience came from eating at the International House of Pancakes, which was true, but then they ignored the fact that he thinks he is some sort of wiley Texas genius that can easily luck off like the Texicans did at the Battle of San Jacinto, which was pretty much an enormous fluke, and has not come anywhere close to happening in Iraq.
He managed to turn a loser ballclub into a million dollar deal by looting the taxpayers for a staduium and then selling the looted stadium with the loser ballclub to an assorment of suckers who now own a loser ballclub in a taxpayer-funded looted stadium. I have no idea whether they think they got a good deal, but it's pretty clear that Juniorbush, who was a major loser all his drunken and drug-crazed life made out like the bandit he was, and this shaped his view of the world.
Colin Powell was joined to Juniorbush to provide adult supervision and a knowledge of foreign affairs, but unfortunately he was shunted aside by Dick Chaney and the Neocons. I am awaiting Powell's book, which I bet will be more entertaining than anything written by Nixon or Kissinger.
Obama is probably a long ways from the best qualified candidate for president. This does not mean that he might not prove to be an excellent president, because all the knowledge and expertise exist in the minds of others, and it is the job of a great president to know what questions to ask and to ask the proper people.
Juniorbush has erred in both tasks, which is why his presidency will be among the dregs of history. James Buchanan, Warren Harding, Millard Fillmore, Jerfferson Davis. Juniorbush might yet prove to be more successful than Davis, as history will judge.