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Is Hillary in trouble?
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:41:46 PM »

Liberal 2016 poll: Elizabeth Warren beating Clinton by double digits

November 20, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- not Hillary Clinton -- is the top progressive choice for president in 2016, according to a new poll.

In fact, Clinton doesn't even make second place. Forty two percent of respondents favor Warren, and Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders also edges out Clinton with 24% compared to her 23%, according to results from the 2016 Presidential Pulse Poll commissioned by progressive grassroots organization Democracy for America.
These results come amid a groundswell of activism from the Democratic party's more liberal wing, which has called for a contested 2016 primary and has often questioned Clinton's financial ties to Wall Street.

"Elizabeth Warren won by a large margin because she inspires Democrats by valiantly fighting for populist progressive policies to address income inequality in the face of Wall Street resistance -- and because she regularly engages with the grassroots base of her party," said Charles Chamberlain, the group's executive director, in a release of the poll.
He noted, however, that the poll's biggest finding is not that support for Warren among liberal voters is widespread, but that progressives want to make sure that the Democratic nomination process is a "contest, not a coronation."
Vice President Joe Biden, rumored to be considering a third presidential bid, was selected by 2% of those polled.
Clinton, a far-and-away frontrunner in most other polls of mainstream Democrats and American voters, is widely expected to launch a presidential bid. Whether Warren or Sanders will throw their hats in the ring is not as clear.
Warren repeatedly told CNN's Gloria Borger in an interview that she has no intention of running for president. But as her clout as a progressive firebrand has grown, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appointed her to his leadership team, a move party leaders hope will bring more left-leaning voters into the fold and increase the party's chances of winning back Senate seats in 2016.

Democracy for America -- founded by former Vermont governor and former presidential candidate Howard Dean -- now boasts one million members, with nearly 165 thousand total votes cast in this poll. Since the group's founding in 2004, members have raised more than $32.7 million to support progressive candidates.
Participants, surveyed between Nov. 6 and Nov. 18, were permitted to select and rank up to three total candidates they'd like to see run in 2016.
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Re: Is Hillary in trouble?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 10:11:53 PM »
If Warren does not run, Hillary is not in trouble. And Warren has said she is not running.
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Re: Is Hillary in trouble?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 11:14:04 PM »
Biden gets 2%?

That seems a bit high.

Or is this an artifact of the 3% margin of error?


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Re: Is Hillary in trouble?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 06:05:30 PM »
Possible 2016 US presidential candidate
Elizabeth Warren to meet Netanyahu

Massachusetts senator has been mentioned as a
possible challenger to Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination.

While it is two full years before the 2016 US presidential race, the parade of possible candidates to Israel began Monday afternoon with a meeting by Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Warren, whose name has been mentioned as a possible challenger to Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination, arrived Saturday in Tel Aviv, and will also visit Ramallah and Amman. This is the first trip abroad for the senator, elected in 2012 and who has so-far concentrated largely on US domestic issues.

According to the Boston Globe, Warren has been among only a handful of senators who have not traveled abroad. The paper wrote that while the trip may "reignite speculation of a 2016 presidential run, Warren has been planning to travel to Israel for months."

According tot he Boston Globe, "Warren's foreign policy views seem to be anti-interventionist, with a skeptical eye to any US military action. In February, delivering her only major speech on foreign policy since she took office, she warned of using military might without considering the implications."

In August during a meeting with constituents, the Globe said she was pressed on her support of Israel and her votes to send money to support its fight against Hamas, and said that Israel was being attacked "indiscriminately" and had a right to fight back even though civilian casualties were the "last thing Israel wants."

"But when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they're using their civilian population to protect their military assets,"Warren was quoted as saying, "And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself."

A plank on Israel that appeared on her website when she ran for senate in 2012 said that she believed Israel "must maintain a qualitative military edge and defensible borders."

"The United States must continue to ensure that Israel can defend itself from terrorist organizations and hostile states, including Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others," she wrote. "I also believe firmly that a two-state solution is in the interest of Israel and the United States. Lasting peace, however, requires negotiations between the parties themselves, and although the United States can and should aid in this process, we cannot dictate the terms. Unilateral actions, such as the Palestinians' membership efforts before the United Nations, are unhelpful, and I would support vetoing a membership application."

Other possible US presidential candidates are scheduled to visit in the coming months.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Is Hillary in trouble?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 07:01:31 PM »
It is utterly disgusting that any candidate for US president should have to go to Israel to somehow be vetted by Netanyahu.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."