Author Topic: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades  (Read 4188 times)

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2015, 12:45:38 PM »
Having some troops in Germany, at Germay's request (and expense) is okay by me. Getting involved in a fight with Russia over Ukraine, however is madness.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2015, 01:22:37 PM »
Having some troops in Germany, at Germay's request (and expense) is okay by me. Getting involved in a fight with Russia over Ukraine, however is madness.

   Those troops were put there in the face of the Soviet Union, separated from East Germany by a thin wire.

    Without active opposition the Soviets were intimidating enough to take more and more as much as they wanted.

     The Russians are testing their boundaries, lets show them that the boundaries are soft?


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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2015, 02:12:41 PM »
Well, Putin sees a Ukraine alliance with the West as a threat to Russia, which is certainly is. The US has been trying to encircle Russia, and it is also true that there are a lot of people in Ukraine who would prefer to be in Russia. Ukraine has been horribly corrupt and mismanaged since independence.  Russia has controlled Ukraine for at least a thousand years, since medieval times. The reality is that a US government would have to be insane to attempt to defeat Russia in Ukraine. It is of no real concern of mine who controls Crimea or Donetsk.

Years ago, Betty Bumpers, the wife of the Arkansas senator, had a pen pal effort, and I corresponded with Lyudmila Derkatch,  a HS English teacher in the Eastern Ukrainian city then known as Kommunarsk, and now known as Alchevsk. She said her students were interested in American cars, so I mailed her a book filled with color pictures of all sorts of flashy cars from the 50's and 60's.  We wrote several letters, and she said she was going to send me some books and photos as well, but never did. This was in the 1980's, and she was several years older than me, so there is a good chance she died. She mentioned how proud she was of Crimea, but told me that she had never actually been there. This is in the currently disputed territory, an industrial area known as the Donbass.

She said she had a Moskvitch (a popular Russian car) and a dasha in a forest not far from Kommunarsk, where she had seen bears and deer.

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2015, 02:59:38 PM »
  If Ukraine is a bad place to proclaim a firm border , where is a good place?

  I hope that there is somewhere east of Paris that would be a good real border for Greater Russia.

    Is the entire Warsaw Pact vulnerable to reconquest?



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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2015, 05:27:35 PM »
The border with Poland, Slovakia, Rumania and Bulgaria would seem to be the best place to defend Western Europe. Much of this is about Russians who live in Ukraine and have for generations and do not wish to be treated as second-class citizens. More of it is about the horrible mess that Ukrainians have made of the administration of the country. Why would anyone want to live in a country as messed up as Ukraine?  Russia has its problems, but it is far better off than Ukraine. Ukraine ha a LOT of resources, but has been unable to exploit them even as well as the Soviets did.

Giving weapons will lead to sending advisers and then we have a war that cannot be won. No one has ever conquered Russia. It took the Czars something like six hundred years to get all the way to Kamchatka, and observe that much of what was a part of the Russian Empire has drifted away, even after centuries of Russian domination.

This is not time for yet another stupid Chamberlain at Munich bit.

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2015, 10:23:21 PM »
.......This is not time for yet another stupid Chamberlain at Munich bit.

 I'll agree with this , but it seems at odds with the rest of your post.


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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2015, 10:49:52 PM »
I don't see how.
I am not at all fond of Putin, but this country has no business getting involved in a war with Putin on his turf. I do not see how there is any advantage in this to this country.
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