Author Topic: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)  (Read 850 times)

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We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« on: July 12, 2015, 12:19:37 PM »
We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun

July 10, 2015

Remember when information was first coming out about the entire tragedy in Charleston? There were two conflicting reports on how Dylann Roof obtained his weapon. One said that his father bought him the gun, and the other said that Roof purchased the gun himself with money his relatives gave him for his birthday. Either way, he shouldn't have been able to legally purchase the weapon. Existing laws were there to prevent that sort of thing.

I wrote a little bit about that in an article last month, and if you recall, I offered two possible explanations of how Roof obtained the weapon.

So either 1.) The gun shop didn't call in (which I highly doubt) or 2.) Government failed.
Take a wild guess which one proved to be true.

Roof was able to purchase the gun because the background checking system failed. The FBI actually admitted that the system straight up failed. Roof should've been flagged due to his prior felony charge for possession of narcotics.

It wasn't a lack of a law that allowed him to purchase the gun. It wasn't the gun store's fault. It wasn't some special loophole. It was a giant government fail.

Roof had been arrested for possession of narcotics in February, a felony charge that alone did not disqualify him from buying a gun. But Comey said that Roof's subsequent admission of the drug crime would have triggered an automatic rejection of his gun purchase if the information had been properly recorded in background-check databases.

Instead, Comey said the data was not properly entered in the bureau's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), and that an FBI examiner assigned to review Roof's purchase never saw his admission to the narcotics charge.

"This case rips all of our hearts out, but the thought that an error on our part is connected to a gun this person used to slaughter these people is very painful to us," FBI Director James B. Comey said Friday.

Well, there's not a whole lot the federal government does well. I suppose we can add this to the list.

"It's disastrous that this bureaucratic mistake prevented existing laws from working and blocking an illegal gun sale," he said in a statement. "The facts undercut attempts to use the tragedy to enact unnecessary gun laws. The American people, and especially the victims' families, deserve bette," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley said.

Approximately two seconds after the mass shooting, Obama got all preachy and told us that we needed to "come to grips with it and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively."

OOOOH yeah! Let's pass more gun laws to keep firearms out of the hands of responsible citizens, even though this was a government fail. We obviously need more laws and regulations since the federal government is so good at following through with the existing ones.

Guns are the real problem here. They're evil! Obviously, once Dylann Roof bought the gun, it completely possessed him and ultimately drove him to commit a heinous crime against humanity.

Except not.

The federal government majorly failed on this one, but THANK GOD we lost our minds over a piece of fabric like the Confederate Flag!
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 12:20:45 PM »
The Feds were denied adequate funding due to pressure from the NRA.
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2015, 12:27:26 PM »
The Feds were denied adequate funding due to pressure from the NRA.

Yeah sure so much more funding is needed to "properly record in background-check databases"!  ::)

Once again....the Gvt screws up and everybody else gets blamed....oh and lets give them more and more money...that's always the excuse with gvt failures.

Major FAIL!
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 12:38:15 PM »
First you deny the government money to do its job, then you blame them for not doing the job. Typical Republican't bullshit.

The more guns there are around, the more people will be massacred.
Firearms should e REGISTERED. More funding should be given to ATF to do its job properly.
And the funds should come from gun nuts.
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2015, 12:47:18 PM »
First you deny the government money to do its job, then you blame them for not doing the job. Typical Republican't bullshit.

Yes the gvt gets trillions and it's never enough....that is the real bullshit!

The more guns there are around, the more people will be massacred.

Keep repeating that lie that Switzerland proves wrong.
Switzerland has tons of guns and it does not equate to "more people massacred".
You really need to accept reality....because Switzerland proves you wrong.
You make this ridiculous statement then when confronted with fact you
always say "well they have better training, better this, better that" lets say that's all true...that still proves it isn't "more guns"...because they have lots of guns.
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2015, 03:05:36 PM »
The government does not "get trillions" to  keep firearms from maniacs.

Again, the the zillionth time, SWITZERLAND HAS A NATIONAL REGISTRY for guns and ammo. The US does not.

And, of course, Switzerland is not infested by the fucking NRA.

If the US were to impose the same laws as Switzerland has, there would be fewer guns than otherwise, and fewer people would get shot.

You yokels seem to LIKE the idea of people being shot.
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2015, 08:33:07 PM »
And again for the zillionth + 1 time, registering a gun would NOT have prevented this, nor pretty much every other murder at the hands of bad gun nut
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Re: We Now Know How Dylann Roof Obtained A Gun (FEDS FAIL!)
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2015, 09:31:17 PM »

Again, the the zillionth time, SWITZERLAND HAS A NATIONAL REGISTRY for guns and ammo. The US does not.

The USA has a national registry of persons forbidden to buy firearms.

What would another register do? , if it is managed no better than this perhaps it will be just as full of holes.