<<In this case, the dominant position of the US is the reality, the pursuit of supremacy the misconception. Reality can reinforce the misconception but eventually the gap between reality and its false interpretation becomes unsustainable. During the self-reinforcing phase, the misconception may be tested and reinforced. This widens the gap leading to an eventual reversal. The later it comes, the more devastating the consequences.">>
I think what he is saying is that the U.S. is dominant but not really supreme. Some Americans are deluded into believing America is supreme. They act accordingly and the delusion is tested. (If we're supreme, how come those ragheads keep blowing up our soldiers?) So they reinforce the delusion (We ARE supreme, we just need to send more troops and we'll break them.) They might succeed in crushing the "ragheads." So the delusion is further reinforced. Now it's beyond question they are supreme. So next time they fuck with someone bigger than Iraq and its 23 million people. Huge gap between misconception and reality.
"Leading to eventual reversal" means what? That the delusion becomes the reality and the reality becomes the delusion? Doesn't seem to make sense. I think he just means that the reality of dominance becomes reversed. The people their delusion leads them to fuck with will fuck them up so badly that their former dominance is submerged as other powers rise to take their place. Or more likely, they'll bankrupt themselves trying to win a fight they picked with a country they had originally considered an easy mark. Others will supplant them in influence and control over what used to be their empire. Soros is pretty fucking smart but I think he is taking a long view. I think that for the rest of my lifetime, the U.S. will continue to get away with murder as it's done since the end of WWII.