I think an expired photo ID drivers license would suffice, if the photo looked like him.
Black people and Hispanics are more likely to be poor, less likely to drive a car, change residences much more often, and have the sort of job where taking a day off gets you fired. The Republican'ts know this and use it to their advantage to diminish the possibility that they will have a valid ID. When I take the bus downtown here in Miami, I am usually the only White Anglo person on the bus. The only one of as many as 50 passengers.
This is a case of using statistical data about race and ethnicity to prevent Democrats from voting. They have had numerous meetings in which this was discussed and planned. Every ruse that will diminish the size of the Democrats voting in South Florida is used.
This is just so easy to correct.
About one percent of Hillary Clinton's war chest would pay the cost to get an ID for every one of them.
I was at two banks today , do you know what I had to present both times?
Photo ID .
Why be satisfied with having so many Democrats hamstrung in banking , and a dozen other good uses for positive ID?
No , I call BS on the whole idea.
There is a real Democratic crutch in cheating , and acting as if measures that prevent cheating are harm exclusively to Democrats , is Democrats insulting Democrats.
If it really bothers you that ID -less people are disenfranchised , find one , offer to carry him to the DMV and pay the cost to reinfranchise him.
We can't be talking about a lot of people , I would bet it is less than an hundred in a city like Miami, this problem could be solved in an afternoon with less effort than a typical phone survey.
Find those hundred people and help them , not just to vote , but to cash checks , find employment , register for government programs for financial assistance , enroll in schools and open bank accounts.
If this is important at all hunt them down and don't let one of them get away , drag them in to the various offices that produce suitable documents and force them to get on the grid and join the matrix.
Republicans are not going to do this , as far as I know there is not one Republican in this Nation that has no ID.
We have all taken care of this for ourselves thank you.