Author Topic: What sets Jeb apart?  (Read 7983 times)

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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2015, 12:10:24 PM »
Oh shut up, you foolish moron.

The president does not control what hospitals, drug companies and medical device suppliers charge for their service and products. Anyone with a brain knows this.
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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2015, 12:26:07 PM »
The President absolutely controls what he says.  He lied thru his teeth to get what public support,  which incidentally has NEVER been a majority of the American people.   More crony capitalism at its worst where the Government AND your evil Insurance companies colluded to impose this monstrosity of crap legislation.   Lie after lie after lie after lie
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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2015, 02:08:59 PM »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2015, 04:45:15 PM »
It's kinda cute watching someone literally swim in a pool of ignorance.      ;-)
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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2015, 11:48:00 PM »
They way you take over your citizenry starts with taking over their healthcare, and ends with taking away their guns

Both of which would make us all safer. But this is another slippery slope argument and therefore illogical. Healthcare and guns are unrelated in US law.

I may want to quote you , next time that the government wants to address guns as a health issue and study the distribution of guns with the resources of the CDC.


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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2015, 12:11:20 AM »
It is about controlling the fat paychecks of the hospital companies, Big pharma and everyone else involved in the medical industry where competition is impossible.

It is about controlling the amount we have to pay not to get sick and die. They think they own our health and they want is to understand that unless we pay their bloated salaries and their ultra inefficient systems we will die before our time.

  How did the big hospital companies and big pharmaceutical companies fight against Obamacare?


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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2015, 01:39:48 AM »
Getting back to the original subject, Jebbie...

A family affair: Why Jeb Bush's foreign policy is just as bad as his brother's
Ryan Cooper

Jeb Bush this week delivered a major address on foreign policy, focusing mostly on the Middle East. If he wanted to distance himself from his brother's disastrous failure as commander-in-chief, he could not have failed harder, short of maybe biting the head off a fruit bat and vowing a blood oath to personally execute every Muslim on the planet.
Where he speaks of historical fact, he is grossly mistaken. Where his policy is not insanely belligerent, it is misguided, hopeless, or simply confused. Under no circumstances should he be allowed anywhere near the controls of the most powerful military on the planet.
Bush blames President Obama for everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East, from the rise of ISIS to the civil war in Syria. He argues that Obama lacks sufficient strength, by which he means approaching every situation like a chest-thumping silverback gorilla in the grips of amphetamine psychosis. It's the classic neoconservative approach: There is no situation that cannot be solved by sufficient aggressiveness and will.
His stance relies heavily on an utterly ridiculous account of the 2007 "surge" in Iraq. Bush claims that his brother had the war on the right track, but then Obama's weak-kneed withdrawal of the troops in 2011 led to chaos and eventually ISIS.
As Peter Beinart carefully explains, this is garbage history. The surge did succeed in tamping down violence for a time, helped along by the Sunni Awakening. But the entire point of that effort was to make space for political reconciliation between the Shiite-controlled government and the largely Sunni insurgency. In that, it was a total failure. Nuri al-Maliki, then the Iraqi prime minister, was persecuting the Sunnis before the surge was even over, leaving them unwilling to fight ISIS when the time came.
Furthermore, as Fred Kaplan points out, it was George W. Bush (not Obama) who negotiated the original Iraq withdrawal timeline in 2008. When the Iraqi government insisted U.S. troops leave in 2011, Obama had little option aside from re-invading the country.
Both George W. Bush and Obama perhaps deserve some blame for not pushing harder for political reconciliation, but in general it is very difficult to micromanage the politics of a post-dictatorship foreign nation that has just been stomped into fragments.
Unsurprisingly, Jeb Bush also loathes the proposed nuclear deal with Iran. He even implies that Iran is behind the rise of ISIS: "Iran, its ally [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad, its terrorist proxy Hezbollah, and the sectarian militias it sponsors have fueled the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, that have helped give rise to ISIS." This is a piece of gross dishonesty right out of the Bush family handbook — don't state outright that there's a connection, but repeat the implication of one over and over until the association takes hold by osmosis. In 2002, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney used similar tactics to trick 72 percent of Americans into believing Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.
In reality, of course, Iran and ISIS are bitter enemies, and Iranian troops make up many of the quality forces fighting ISIS in Iraq. Bush is not just dishonest, but his policy is also working at cross-purposes.
This strategic incoherence is characteristic of the Bush approach. Could we make nice with Iran or Assad to fight ISIS, even temporarily? Nope, we must confront all three simultaneously! He mentions Egypt and Saudi Arabia as key allies, but does not mention the disastrous Saudi intervention going on in Yemen right now, despite the fact that the chaos there has created a major opening for al Qaeda. There is no sense of prioritization, just a random list of bad guys.
Worst of all is his Syria policy. When it comes to Iraq, Bush does not really propose to do anything that Obama is not already doing — support the Kurds, conduct some airstrikes, and so forth. But he wants to get hip-deep in the Syrian conflict — identifying the moderate Syrian forces, uniting them against both ISIS and Assad, then making sure Assad isn't replaced by somebody worse. But there basically are no moderate Syrians, much less any that Bush could "unite." Instead, this would very likely commit America to another state-building project in a shattered post-dictatorship nation whose ethnic groups are at each other's throats!
George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq was one of the worst mistakes in the history of American foreign policy for many reasons, but foremost among them was sheer arrogance. He thought knocking over a repressive dictatorship halfway around the world and replacing it with a parliamentary democracy would be easy, requiring little expertise. Instead it was a jaw-dropping maelstrom of bloody horror that exceeded the worst predictions of his critics. Jeb Bush lived through all that, but appears to think this time we'll get it right. We just have to try extra-hard.
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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2015, 09:34:37 AM »
Olebush, Juniorbush and Jebbiebush. Three doses of disastrous foreign policy.

Gotta love this quote:

Jeb Bush this week delivered a major address on foreign policy, focusing mostly on the Middle East. If he wanted to distance himself from his brother's disastrous failure as commander-in-chief, he could not have failed harder, short of maybe biting the head off a fruit bat and vowing a blood oath to personally execute every Muslim on the plane

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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2015, 04:59:45 PM »
Bush blames President Obama for everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East, from the rise of ISIS to the civil war in Syria. He argues that Obama lacks sufficient strength,........................

.............His stance relies heavily on an utterly ridiculous account of the 2007 "surge" in Iraq. Bush claims that his brother had the war on the right track, but then Obama's weak-kneed withdrawal of the troops in 2011 led to chaos and eventually ISIS.

  Is this an unfair or untrue account of events?

     I remember President Obama being so pleased with progress that he declared the mission accomplished.

      Certainly mistakes were made , but there is a lot of room to disagree on what and when they were.



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Re: What sets Jeb apart?
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2015, 05:09:44 PM »
Invading Iraq was a hideous mistake.  It is hard for poor Jebbie to admit that his brother made some of the worst decisions of any president ever.

Would a President Jebbie have the guts to tell his entire family to go suck an egg if they advocated more military adventurism?
I am pretty sure he would not, and would be inclined to see things from the Official Family playbook.
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