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The European Powder Keg
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:04:00 PM »
The European Powder Keg

Some quick thoughts to close the day. My apologies, no time for an edit:

Europe must make drastic changes before it is too late.

As refugee invaders continue to swarm into Europe, reports of violence continue to pour in from across the continent. I have been communicating with many Europeans from many countries ranging from Norway to Greece. Some I meet in person, others on the phone or email.

Yesterday, I spoke with two Finnish people for about two hours. A man and a woman. Both expressed anger and frustration. They said that reports blindly call the invaders Syrians, but that most in their area are Iraqis and Somalis, or from other parts of Africa.

The Finns told me that the refugees have a sense of entitlement, are rude and demanding, and the vast majority are young men. They said that many Finns are becoming angry.

Many of us who have seen conflicts and wars are greatly concerned. Most of us who know something about the sorts of people flooding in, and their host nations such as Germany, are extremely concerned.


1) The invaders will not understand local laws and customs, and most will not care. They will do what they can get away with.

2) They will bring fights from home that most locals do not care about or want any part of. For instance Sunni vs. Shia. Arabs vs. Kurds. Arabs and Muslims vs. Jews. These fights will spill onto local streets in places like Sweden, Germany and Italy.

3) They will bring intolerance toward women and others such as homosexuals.

4) They will throw trash on the streets.

5) Some cultures from the source areas are apt to react suddenly and violently to little more than rumors. For instance, many Iraqis are easily provoked to violence. Been there, seen that many times. That is not xenophobia, that is reality.

6) Sense of entitlement that will certainly anger many European cultures, such as Germans.

7) Economically, this is a disaster unwinding. Even without violence, and there will be violence, housing, feeding, and educating possibly millions of invaders will cost as much as a war.

8.)  Many will not assimilate at all and will create ghettos, as normal.

9) Outsiders will inject money to build mosques, but not to help care for the invaders.

10) Some will use these mosques to create hate centers and to spread the caliphate beyond even their dreams. There will be attacks on Jews and others.

11) As they gain in numbers and citizenship, voting demographics will change and forms of democracy will become less attractive.

In small concentrations, the host nations can absorb this and keep moving.

At some point a critical mass will be reached, causing at first local extremists to rise up and grow. First locals argue and bicker with each other, such as normal Germans becoming angry with the rapid growth of neo-Nazis that can be flamed by the refugee invasion. So Germans will likely first argue with other Germans.

The inevitable sparks will fly, violence from refugees towards Germans (or whomever), or from Germans towards refugees can spark backlash. The security forces such as police cannot control widespread discontent, and suddenly normally peaceful Germans and the peaceful elements of the refugees are enflamed.

Provocateurs will pour on the gas as they always do.

We saw this endlessly in Iraq. And remember?many of the invaders are Iraqis.

Eventually in Iraq the Coalition had to install miles of concrete barriers to separate various groups not from attack us so much, but from attacking each other. Someone would blow up a mosque, as example, and in a thirst for revenge, Iraqis would grab their AKs and knives and in the morning there were heads in the streets.

There is some idea that the US caused all this to happen in Iraq, but in reality a study of their history easily reveals that this is just part of the Iraqi backdrop. There were no "good ole" days in their modern history. The wisdom of US involvement is a separate question, yet more broadly the endless fighting in the Middle East and parts of Africa pre-dates US involvement.

They fight. Some fish just do not get along in the same aquarium. This is not xenophobia, coming from someone who has been to more than 70 countries for about 25 years -- this is experience talking. I and many others have been direct witness many times in many countries.

I spent more than 10 years in Europe and the Middle East. It is clear that many sorts of cultures are flooding in, and not all are the same.

For instance Kurds normally easily get along with westerners, but Arabs and Kurds often fight, even though most Arabs and most Kurds are Muslim. Most of the fighting is Muslim on Muslim, sectarian, ethnic, tribal, power fights, criminality, etc.

In many cases it is just blood feud. Iraqi Kurdish Muslims tend to get along great with Israeli-Jews, but many Iraqi Arab Muslims would kill every Israeli and every Jew on earth.

Those who are reacting cowardly in the face of this threat often deflect by saying, "But it's the fault of America!"

The reality is that it does not matter who started the fire at this point. And America did not start the many blood feuds. Some were going long before the Pilgrims landed in America. There no end in view to some of the blood feuds that will spill onto European streets.

The fire is on. Europe will either fight it or not. Let the historians sort out who started it. (Hint: Religious and cultural.)

Time will be the litmus.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The European Powder Keg
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 05:53:24 PM »
I doubt that it will be as bad as all that.
I hope not, for the Europeans' sake.

In the 1800's the US let in millions of Irish. Some were Protestants, from Ulster. My Irish ancestors were both Scots-Irish Protestants, and Catholics that converyted to Anglicans and then Methodists. I don't think they fought one another much once they were in the US.

Jews and Germans even get along now in the US .Half the people in my Mercedes Club are Jewish.
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Re: The European Powder Keg
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 06:01:50 PM »
Austrians are arming themselves at record rates in an effort to defend their households against feared attacks from Muslim invaders.

Tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent months on their way to Germany and Sweden, two wealthy European countries that have laid out the welcome mat for migrants. More than a million will end up in Germany alone by the end of this year, according to estimates from the German government.
Obtaining a working firearm and ammunition in Germany, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is practically impossible for the average citizen. Germany, for instance, requires a psychological evaluation, the purchase of liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. And self-defense is not even a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries.
The laws in Austria, while still strict, are a bit less overbearing.
A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles – have been flying off the shelves in Austria, and Austrians who haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a chance to get one for some time. They’re all sold out.
And those arming themselves are primarily women.
“If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” the Czech newscaster says. “All of them are currently sold out.”
He cites the Austrian news outlet Trioler Tageszeitung as the source of his report.
“We cannot complain about lack of demand,” Stephen Mayer, a gun merchant, told Trioler Tageszeitung.
He claims the stock has been sold out for the last three weeks and that demand is being fueled by fears generated by social changes.
“People want to protect themselves,” Mayer said. “Nonetheless, the most common purchasers of arms are primarily Austrian women.”
They are also buying pepper sprays, which Mayer said are in big demand among those who can’t get a gun.
Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, said he recently returned from a gun rights event in Europe, where he sensed a change in attitude toward firearms.
“I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves,” Gottlieb told WND. “Self-defense is no longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.”
More potential new customers are entering the market than ever before, according to the Czech report.
Until the refugees started flooding Europe, it was mostly hunters and sport shooters who purchased firearms. Now, people are seeking weapons for self-defense because they are worried about their personal safety. Most have never used a gun before.
So-called "projectile weapons" are available in Austria under two classifications, C and D, which are rifles and shotguns. Every adult Austrian is legally able to apply for a weapons permit but must disclose to the government their reason for wanting to own a gun.
The Czech station cited an interview with a sociologist and an Austrian journalist, both of whom said the weapons purchases were based on unfounded fears about foreign migrants.
'Something is very wrong here'
The Viennese sociologist, identified only as Mr. Gertler, said no such fears about migrants should ever be published by any Austrian news outlet.
A journalist named Wittinger said "something is very wrong here" if Austrians are buying guns to protect themselves against migrants.
"Shotguns will not, after all, solve any immediate problems, quite the contrary," he said.
The Czech TV station then reported that Islamists are promising: "We will cut the heads off unbelieving dogs even in Europe."
"Look forward to it, it's coming soon!" the Czech newscaster said.
ISIS-trained jihadists are now returning as European citizens or they are trying to infiltrate as migrants. In one propaganda video an ISIS operative informs his comrades back home in Germany to slit the throats of unbelievers in Germany, Czech TV reports.
"Overall, the ministry of interior stated that Germany is in the cross-hairs of Islamic terrorists but that he does not have any indications of specific threats," he said.
Bracing for another Islamic invasion
The Czech site reflects awareness of a major event in Western history, said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.
"Polish King John Sobieski defeated the Muslim invaders at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Another Muslim invasion is underway and Austrians are alarmed, hence their run on gun stores," Pratt told WND. "Women are right to be concerned in view of the Muslim view of women that they are good for raping and little else."
The Czech TV report cited the Arab Spring as the root cause for the flood of Muslim migrants into Europe.
"More and more, the whole thing is turning into the situation that we will experience the much-touted Arab spring from very close up – right here at home," the reporter said. "What's more, many European are alienating large part of their own populace with unfortunate social and multicultural politics, merciless removal of children, unfair seizures and trading on traditional European values and with policies which are usually less friendly toward conservative and traditional native inhabitants and leans toward that portion of inhabitants who have little trouble with globalization and nonchalant liberalization, removal of traditions and Islamization. Yet we will not be able to rely on it, that portion of (population) once the Arab Spring comes here. And that will probably be, as they say, closing the barn after the cows are gone."

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Re: The European Powder Keg
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 06:31:09 PM »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The European Powder Keg
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 07:52:21 PM »

Sweden is taking in a lot of them, but it is quite a trek to get there.

Denmark is not handling the refugee saturation super well but luckily Sweden is a bro about it.

 15th September 2015