<<Then he paused. "The one country that never invaded us was America.">>
Conveniently forgetting for the moment the CIA coup that overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammed Mossadegh and brought in the Shah of Iran who was finally overthrown by . . . the Ayatollah Khomeini.
It's not a bad article. Interesting in a way. The Torture Fanatics and the Great Satan - - together again. Funny the guy won't release his name. Sounds like his pro-American policies are not to every bearded lunatic's taste. It's hilarious, of course. Buying time any way they can, some of them figure now's the time to bury the hatchet. But holy shit! where does that leave tiny Israel, "the only democracy in the Middle East that can bulldoze a stone house in under 12 seconds flat?" Maybe that Apartheid Wall, ooops, security barrier, could be extended 360 degrees. Maybe they could invade Lebanon again.
Interesting, isn't it, the appeal of divide and rule? A Muslim state with thousands of years of regional presence, subverted and dominated by Turks, then English, then Americans, rather than finding common cause with its next door neighbour of the same religion and an identical history of exploitation and oppresion, wants to team up with its historical oppressor against the neighbour instead of with the neighbour against the historical oppressor of them both. Or at least this one guy does. Go figure.
I guess the only thing that gives some measure of hope and sanity is that the official doesn't dare make his name public, indicating that at least to some Iranians, betrayal is still betrayal, however appealing it might be to Christiane Amanpour and her corporate American bosses.