Boy, ain't that the truth. Obama lectures why we don't need to call radical Islamic terrorism, "radical Islamic terrorism", because that's supposedly nothing more than political labeling.......while he has the gall to paintbrush & label the vast majority of law abiding Americans as the bigger threat. Threat to who??
Does Obama think we are all that stupid to grasp that the term radical Islamic Terrorist, or Militant Islam, or Islamofascist, is SPECIFC to those who have tried to co-opt the Muslim faith, to justify their acts?? It's not paintbrushing every walking Muslim. It's not declaring war on a religion. It's targeting who the enemy is, and allows perfectly peaceful Muslims to know they're not of that cult.
But no, Obama, and the left have to play radical Islamic terrorist order to
1) take the spotlight off their own stellar failure in military & foreign policy which has directly led to its expansion
2) use any opportunity to push their socialist/fascist policies, including Nazi Germany's version of trying to disarm the populace