George Soros Buys Halliburton Stock
In a delicious irony, Foreign Policy magazine editor Mike Boyer reports at the magazine's blog FP Passport that SEC documents reveal that George Soros bought 1.9 million shares of Halliburton stock in the fourth quarter of 2006.
Soros gave more than $20 million to "527" organizations in the 2004 election, many of which used anti-Halliburton bashing as a rallying cry for the anti-war Left.
Writes Boyer: (via Boozhy and Andrew Sullivan)
Normally, I'm willing to overlook the hypocrisy of the liberal elite. If Al Gore and his Hollywood cronies want to fly around on gas-guzzling, atmosphere-polluting private jets while railing against global climate change, I'm willing to overlook it.
But the latest move by globe trotting, hyper-liberal billionaire George Soros borders on being too much.... Soros, of course, is the dean of Democratic money giving. And Halliburton, of course, is the company that embodies everything the Democrats see as evil. Dick Cheney is its former chief, for goodness' sake.
How can you not laugh at this development? The possibilities for amusement are wonderful...
Update: George Soros' fund, Soros Fund Management LLC, owns the shares.