Of course the Democrats are pouncing on the CBO report, proclaiming how so may are going to "lose" their coverage under the pending GOP legislation of replacement. Just a few points of contention
a) despite initial claims, by no other than Pelosi no less, it would seem that "success" of Obamacare is simply how many people are insured, not the quality of that care or the skyrocketing premiums
b) the CBO report doesn't (actually can't until its actually in place) acknowledge the massive cost savings that would occur when individuals can actually purchase their healthcare insurance across state lines
c) and lastly, and for me, most importantly, the reason for such a proclamation that people will "lose" their coverage, is that the mandate that they MUST LEGALLY have insurance, or be deemed out of compliance, and literally be penalized under Obamacare, is removed....as in people that have "lost" their coverage, never actually lost it, they're simply no longer added by the CBO as going to have been mandated to have it.
I'm still no fan of the plan, as the Government still has too many fingers in the broth, but at the very least, the freedom to choose and access what people want, and don't want, will be back in play again