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Explosive Corruption @ Highest Levels
« on: May 31, 2018, 04:55:51 PM »
Why Obama Clearly Ordered The Spying on Trump

May 30, 2018

A Thanos-Level Event

For months pundits and researchers have been pondering the mystery of the FISA approval that led to the illegal and historically titanic scandals to ever hit the U.S. government. Some have argued that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew the FISA was bogus when he extended it. Others have wondered if Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew about the fraudulent basis of the FISA when he used it, in part, to indict Michael Flynn. Other still, that Mueller was fooled by the FBI.

This is what President Trump calls "SPYGATE".

It may well be that the surveillance that was conducted began with UK intelligence services and then was fed back to the White House of Barack Obama. Here's the kicker:

President Barack Obama did not need a FISA warrant to authorize spying/electronic surveillance on Trump because Obama all along had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process.

According to 50 U.S. Code 1802, the "Electronic Surveillance Authorization" - "Foreign intelligence in relation to a US person (Trump or his associates) is information that's necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, as well as other clandestine activities by a foreign power . . . OR . . . information relevant to national defense/security of the US, or the conduct of foreign affairs of the U.S." Such an authorization by Obama required certification by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that must be logged with the FISC court. "The [AG]+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court [FISC] a copy of his certification."

In short, the DOJ has this. If we are correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal at least with the DOJ and the FISC.

This is what they are hiding.

However, the Act requires the AG to keep the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations and unmaskings therein. See 1803 (a) (1) (C) If indeed this is what happened, did Lynch report, or only selectively report, to the committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies? Can you see why Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and their ilk are terrified?

1) Obama authorized spying/electronic surveillance on Team Trump, by-passing normal judicial oversight.

2) To create "foreign intelligence," John Brennan and others organized for UK intelligence to conduct surveillance on Trump and his associates, either from the UK or from UK assets within the U.S. This is another reason revealing this will unleash an excrement storm: the UK is about to be caught meddling bigly in an American election.

3) Lynch certified Obama's authorization which is now held under seal by DOJ (andFISC).

From this authorization, all unmaking followed, as well as the FBI fraudulent counter intel investigation and perhaps the FISA warrant too. Obama knew this was all fake when he made the authorization; Lynch knew it was fake when she certified it; the entire inner circle, including the FBI, all knew. This takes the U.S. into uncharted territory, and could imperil any politician in the British government who supported this or had knowledge of it. Proving any of this would be difficult, as if confronted Lynch would almost certainly cover up and Obama would simply deny knowledge. Without a paper trail, a conviction might be a bridge to far.

Sara Carter reported that concealed FISA documents hold the key, not because they were the origin of SPYGATE but because each new application had to include earlier supporting intelligence, i.e., Obama's authorization. And the director of the British surveillance agency,
GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, quit three days after Trump's inauguration for "personal" and "health" reasons.

Now the seeming stonewalling of DOJ, Jeff Sessions, and Rod Rosenstein make sense.

Now it is clear why President Trump has not just himself declassified these materials. This is a TLE.

A Thanos Level Event.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987