from today's Daily Kos:
<<Fordham was forced to resign today as NRCC head Tom Reynolds chief of staff -- the most immediate impetus seems to be his attempts to kill the story and protect Foley as late as last Friday. As Pat Buchanan said on MSNBC when the explosive news broke, now there's "blood in the water."
<<Now Fordham's talking, and this is only going to get worse.
<<One thing all parties agree on . . . is that the GOP leadership is in complete chaos, here. The "honest" conservatives are genuinely infuriated at the betrayal, yet again, of the most basic tenets of ethics and morality, this time right in the very building. The dishonest conservatives are furious at the hamfisted, disasterous responses still happening from Hastert, Reynolds, Boehner, and the others. Hastert has almost no remaining support from any quarter.>>
This is a beautiful fix for those lying hypocritical bastards to be in. Fucked if Hastert leaves and even more fucked if he stays.