AMI, I agree that both parties have committed Gross abuse of the public over the history of this country. The domestic business plan of socialism between 1914 and 1974 was a plan with many deceptions. The capitalist domestic business plan after 1974 is also a plan of many deceptions. I do not believe either plan had the interest of the general public as its first priority. The state has always put the government's interest ahead of the public interest and anyone who contested the policies, were silenced in one way or another. The business plan of today has evolved into a system of economic entrapment. It is a win win situation for bankers and the public shoulder all he risk. Inflation has been the key aliment of the government's domestic business plan since 1974. Today, most Americans do not own anything, other than a contract of debt. Loaning money to people who cannot afford to pay is a sucker's game. Its all assets for the lenders and total liabilities for the barrowers. The people of America have become slaves to debt and the government has become dictatorial.