I don`t think I`ve ever seen one or noticed then
I have no cable
I don't have cable, either.
ADM is Archer-Daniels-Midland Corp., which is the largest publically traded grain broker in the world.
They advertise in particular on those Sunday Morning Gasbag shows, (Meet the Press, Face the Nation, ABC news) where they discuss politics. There are lots of ADM ads on PBS these days.
One where thay talk about how a farmer in Nebraska is working all day to bring in the crop so a truck driver can deliver it, so it can be processed so some kid in Gwangjong Province or somewhere in China can get his noodles or something. Very slick, very professionally done.
The other two big grain compaines are Cargill, which is private, and advertises a lot less, and Bunge-Born, which is also private and pretty much invisible to the public.
ADM makes out like a bandit on corn to ethanol subsidies. They spend a LOT on political campaigns and lobbying in DC and all the farm states in the Midwest.