Thanks for the cartoons showing a particularly vicious and vile bile towards Gore.
After Gore's film, they serve a purpose and timely.
Because of the immediate and tremendous impact of Gore's film, and because he just gave national coherence and audience to the most prioritus problem we have, people might prematurely relax, might think they will clean up their act on their own (no joke is bigger), and no war will have to be fought.
Gore's film, for which he won an oscar, has now taken the problem of our national disgrace (corporate greed, the anti-christ) out of a corporate created nonfocus, and put it into a new and real focus.
By his film, Gore has unspun global warming.
Now America will see the image of what's real beyond the pseudo-science and acidic condescentions from such folks as Rush, OReilly and Sirs.
For my part, I hope the war against the too-rapid pollution of the planet by the invidiously greedy is won.
But what I would really savor is the Nuremburg-like tribunals that identify and justly punish the "scientists" who produced spin and lies on demand suggesting that the whole concept of global warming was a fiction by liberals.
Their crimes have gravely threatened the lives of all humanity.