LOL! This reminds me of what my kid said to me during the last election cycle when the attack ads were airing all day. He asked for allowance and I told him he had to get his room done first. He said "But Mom said I could have it. I have to go meet my friends." I discussed it with Val and she wanted to let him take the money and do the room later. But I reminded her that he had already been given a reprieve the day before. At that, she backed me up.
Micah, who is a pretty good kid, knew he didn't have a case. So he went and did his thing, but on the way to clean his room he left this parting shot:
"Mom wants us to have the money that's coming to us. Dad wants to keep our money! Mom says we can go out and be with our friends. Dad says we have to do our chores first. Is Dad the kind of person you want in charge of your childhood? Vote for Mom! (Paid for by Pooch Family Members for Mom) "
I would have slapped him upside the head if I wasn't laughing so hard!