Modesty, being otherwise oppressed at the moment (well, not the exact moment) with mounting a defense in a muder case, I'll have to defer reading the abortion decision until tonight, if my Irish Whiskey promotes thoughts of baby-like organism's getting mutilated. I don't know how else to put it. Viability aside, still the paramount concern if not the immediate focus, intrauterine photos of fetuses (which look like babies!) stick in my memory to make me run for the hills, usually, when the topic of abortion comes up. I am enough of an indelibly-marked (psychological) Catholic to have a great sensitivity to the anti-abortion position and the principles and sentiments from which it swells. But so too, I am enough of a pluralist and (get this!) a "humblist" (deferring to other views when the entire gestalt calls for it), especially when it comes to women, to bring me to a "modified pro-choice position," that is, one accepting abortion as a practice desired by and needed by others under principles and practices yet unclear, unsettled, or ultimately-untested but which, on balance, must carry the day as our (interpreted) constitutional law has been held to require.
In this particular case -- which, of course, I haven't yet read -- it seems to me that there has been an encroachment at the margins -- and it is at the margins where rules start to crumble. First, it seems, there was an encroachment on privacy, specifically "physician-patient" choice, by eliminating a procedure authorized by medical principles and practice and usage, which had theretofore been employed by well-meaning individuals as the procedure of choice, for various medical reasons, to terminate a problematic pregnancy. But where the sting really comes in, it seems, is the failure of the Court to preserve the procedure where the life of the mother is genuinely threatened. This latter situation arguably not only brings the "regulation of an authorized and heretofore accepted medical practice" to its logical extreme but in doing so crosses a line into another realm entirely.