I see it as an issue.
Edwards is devider, he wants there to be two Americas with a severe demarcation between the two based on class.
If he persists in reduceing us to castes , it need to be made clear which caste he belongs to.
This is ridiculous. There are and have always been two Americas. Those who are independent of someone for a paycheck, and those who are dependent on someone for income. The rich and the poor.
The three main political issues in the US are rich vs. poor, black vs white and war vs peace.
Slavery was a major issue until it was abolished in the Civil War. But it was a Black vs White issue.
The other issues (abortion, gay marriage, the flag) are smokescreens used by the elite to win the votes of the hoi polloi.
Some other issues are related to rich vs poor, such as health care, the minimum wage, immigration.
It has always been thus.
The environment is in several ways unrelated to the major issues, which is one reason why it has had such difficulty getting traction. When the elite recognize that a gated community and armed guards will not protect them from rising water, bad air and a lack of water, it will become a major issue.
The great reformers have often been aristocratic "class traitors": Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy.
It is almost unprecedented that a reformer is from the impoverished class: Even LBJ and Huey P Long were members of a local gentry.
As a rule, the dependent ones have zero options about their taxes: their taxes are deducted from their checks by law.\
About 2% of the population owns 80% of everything that produces income. The very wealthy mostly control the rest of the people through a system of mortgages, credit cards, installment payments and social demands (such as promoting what is stylish and what is not). This system is vastly more effective than anything that the Nazis or the Communists have ever had.
When it looks like there will be a labor shortage, they enact laws which will impoverish a percentage of the population and force them back into the workforce. Observe that first there was no gambling except in Las Vegas, then state lotteries, then cruise ship casinos, and now there is gambling everywhere. The effect is to impoverish a percentage of the population by making paupers of them.
War is always a good way to give the economy a shot in the arm. It sells weapons, and it dislocates families, who must move and relocate and therefore buy more crap.
The division has always existed, and it has become much more pronounced since Reagan was elected.
Edwards is certainly not inventing it, even if he is exploiting it.