Juniorbush and Cheney have done NOTHING to be nostalgic about, unless you are a Scrooge Mc Duck type, lamenting the days when your money pool was all deep end. Everything major thing they have done has been unnecessary, poorly done, and/or riddled with corruption and fraud.
XO you are incorrect. Bush's veto of the stell cell bill was memorable and correct. Just yesterday, ground-breaking research was released where fetal stem cells will apparently no longer be needed. A true breakthrough!
As I have expressed many times in ths Forum, I emphatically disagreee with this entire Iraqi debacle (to the distain of Sirs...sorry, Sirs!), but Bush's stance on social issues is, IMHO, commendable. I jsut wish I could find an electable Democrat with this social issues stance. I would gladly work in his/her campaign for the Presidency.