Author Topic: Hey Brass, Democrats are earmarking like crazy  (Read 838 times)

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Hey Brass, Democrats are earmarking like crazy
« on: June 21, 2007, 11:22:08 AM »
ANDERSON COOPER: Drew, it's just amazing that nothing has changed. What happened to all those promises about transparency, about having this whole process be open? I can't believe you had all those interns calling for days and some 330 lawmakers said they just wouldn't even give out the information.

GRIFFIN: Anderson it's mind-boggling. One congressional aide even sent us an e-mail saying, listen, my congressman is an advocate of the open process and at the same time said we're not going to release our earmark requests.

It's just been an eye-opening experience, but quite frankly the more we're doing this, the more we're keeping them honest and other groups are, the more open they are grudgingly becoming so tonight we have posted at the results of our surveys. We're going to show you who did send us the earmarks and their earmark requests, who said no, who wouldn't respond and even, Anderson, who was rude to those poor little interns when they called asking what Congress wants to do with our money.

COOPER: The fact that people would be rude, that is really annoying, you know. This is -- this is, A, what journalists are supposed to be doing but it's also what citizens should be able to do, you know, to the people who represent them.

GRIFFIN: Clearly it's annoying to them. They don't like to be called on the carpet, especially, I mean, I hate to get political here, but have you to. The Democrats promised in December open, transparent process. Now they are being called to come up with that open, transparent process and it's been difficult because for so many years and decades, quite frankly, business as usual has been slipped in those earmark requests and we'll continue to pay for them.

Source: CNN


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Re: Hey Brass, Democrats are earmarking like crazy
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 03:45:27 PM »
Considering how the Dumocrats have screwed the people who got them all elected, I'm not surprised.

I'd be perfectly comfortable with an armed revolution at this point.  I used to surmise there was no difference between the two parties when the GOP was in control.  I no longer have to surmise.

The country has moved into a solid majority who favor total extraction from Iraq and yet the morons who were handed the power to make that change refuse to nut up and end our occupation of Iraq.

Waiting another couple of years to vote them out in hopes of putting in someone who WILL nut up is a waste of a couple of years, if you ask me.  They've had nearly a year to do what the voters gave them the power to do and they've continually pissed in the American public's eye.

There is only one guy in the whole of the congress that I have a smidgen of faith in and that my representative, Steve Cohen of TN-9 and even he sends me replies to my emails that express his frustration and that he shares my concerns.  He totally reamed Gonzales and Goodling in the judiciary hearings but in the end nothing happened that satisfied me with that situation.

I won't be satisfied till Congress has Bush pinned on the ground and is figuratively kicking him in the balls at will.


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Re: Hey Brass, Democrats are earmarking like crazy
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 12:18:07 AM »
He totally reamed Gonzales and Goodling in the judiciary hearings but in the end nothing happened that satisfied me with that situation.

Good point. The Dems have been huffing and puffing about Gonzalez forever now, and when they put up the no confidence vote, it got blocked. The Dems are totally impotent and abject failures.


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Re: Hey Brass, Democrats are earmarking like crazy
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 11:12:47 AM »
I'd be perfectly comfortable with an armed revolution at this point. 

The Second Admendment wins another convert.