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The week that was
« on: June 30, 2007, 12:59:49 PM »
The week that was

No illegal aliens were used to compile this report.

STORY OF THE WEEK: John McCain denied that his Amnesty Bill has killed his presidential campaign. He vowed not to quit the race and rolled out a new campaign slogan.

SATURDAY: Hector ?Big Weasel? Marroquin, founder of LA?s No Gun group pleaded not guilty to charges of violating federal gun laws. His group?s $1.5 million contract with the city ended last year. The feds charged him with the manufacture, distribution and transport for sale of an unlawful assault weapon. Hey, a fellow has to make a living somehow.

SUNDAY: An Iraqi court sentenced Chemical Ali to death for the massacre of 180,000 Kurds. He will be hanged as the courts ruled that use of lethal injection or a gas chamber are ?cruel and unusual punishment.?

MONDAY: The Supreme Court ruled that America is not Morocco and you can criticize our leaders. In other court news, as judge learned that he is not God, as he lost his pants suit.

TUESDAY: The Washington Post continued its eleventy-part series that shows Dick Cheney is the spawn of Satan. To show he?s a good sport, the vice president invited Post publisher Boisfeuillet Jones Jr. to a hunting trip in Texas.

WEDNESDAY: After spending last week denying that they want to return the Fairness Doctrine to the airwaves, Democrats began calling for the return of the Fairness Doctrine. Oh boy. Daily Kos will have to share its readers with me.

THURSDAY: By a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court decided the school a child attends should not be decided by the color of his skin. Justice Breyer said this reverses the Brown vs. Topeka ruling in 1954, which said the school a child attends should not be decided by the color of his skin. And liberals are supposed to be the smart ones.

FRIDAY: Gordon Brown took over as British PM to the news of a booby-trapped car parked near Piccadilly Circus and another one on Cockspur Lane. The threat is serious. That ?poodle? he replaced turned out to be a bulldog. I hope Brown has some Winnie in him.