If fetal stem cell research is the answer (which of course it isn't), why is federal money required?
It is not "the answer" (as I said, ratwingers are amazingly simplistic), it is AN answer. People live longer as a rssult of this research. They could live better. Organs could be grown for transplanting. Every day, people die because there are not enough transplants.
99% of the frozen embryos proposed to be used are going to be discarded, anyway.
Why not use them to prolong life? What do you have against living longer? It could even be YOU. Is it not in the interests of the people of the US that YOU live better and longer?
If it is immoral to use these embryos and therefore should not be done under any circumstances, then it should be banned entirely,. as murder is banned.
If it isn't, then prolonging the productive life of the citizens is a good thing, good for all of us. This whose lives are prolonged will work harder for their bosses, will support their families longer, and will pay taxes. This is a matter of the common good.
It certainly is better for the common good than Ted Steven's "Bridge to Nowhere". It is certainly better than the millions the Juniorbushies are pissing away in Iraq by the hour, building power plants that are blown up before they are finished.
Jesus cured about a dozen lepers. There were lepers all over the place in his time. When was the last time you saw a leper?
It wasn't Jesus that stopped leprosy. It was medical research.
How many years jailtime would you give a woman that had an abortion, if abortions were banned? C'mon now, answer the question.