Author Topic: If At First you Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again  (Read 753 times)

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If At First you Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
« on: August 16, 2007, 11:31:26 AM »
by Ann Coulter
August 15, 2007

Suspiciously, Daniel Pearl's widow is suddenly being lavishly praised by the Treason Lobby. Jane Mayer, co-author of the discredited hit-book on Clarence Thomas, "Strange Justice," published an article in The New Yorker last week recounting that Mariane Pearl was called by Alberto Gonzales in March with the news that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had admitted to American interrogators that he had personally beheaded her husband and they were going to release the transcript to the press. Mayer wrote: "Gonzales' announcement seemed like a publicity stunt."

Frank Rich followed up with an article in The New York Times saying of Gonzales' call: "Ms. Pearl recognized a publicity ploy when she saw it."

Inasmuch as these are journalists who adjudge George Bush more evil than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, their perception of reality is to be treated gingerly. But if Ms. Pearl is toying with the idea of becoming the latest liberal cause celebre, she might want to consider the trajectories of the rest of them.

All the Democrats' most dearly beloved anti-war/anti-Bush heroes invariably end up in the Teresa Heinz Kerry wing of the nut-house. Scott Ritter went from being a trusted U.N. weapons inspector valiantly defending poor, misunderstood Saddam Hussein from George Bush's imperialistic war to being just another creep trying to have sex with underage girls.

Cindy Sheehan once had "absolute moral authority." Now she's just a madwoman writing mash notes to Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.

Max Cleland was a war hero who lost his limbs as a result of Viet Cong grenades, giving him the stature to gleefully taunt George Bush and Dick Cheney. "Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War?" Cleland responded to Cheney. "If you had gone to Vietnam like the rest of us, maybe you would have learned something about war."

Then we learned Cleland was a victim only of his own clumsiness and had dropped the grenade on himself in Vietnam after stopping for a beer.

Bill Burkett was the left's most admired military veteran since Benedict Arnold. He claimed Bush had shirked his National Guard duty and said he had the documents to prove it. According to Dan Rather and CBS News, Burkett was a "solid" and "unimpeachable" source who was being attacked by "partisan political operatives."

And then Burkett turned out to be a foaming-at-the-mouth loon. He was eventually forced to admit on air that he had "misled" CBS on the phony National Guard documents, which is a little like Hugo Chavez "misleading" Sean Penn. Burkett's current medical diagnosis: too crazy to be a homeless person.

The congressional campaign of anti-war Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett was treated in the media as if it were the Second Coming. The New York Times described Hackett adoringly as a "lean 6-foot-4, he is garrulous, profane and quick with a barbed retort or a mischievous joke." The Times even produced the obligatory quote-ready Republican who said that "Mr. Hackett's service had caused him to consider voting Democratic."

Then we found out with a little more specificity what some of those quick-witted barbs were. Hackett called the president a "chickenhawk," referred to Bush's "Bring it on" statement as "the most incredibly stupid comment," and called Bush "the biggest threat in America." Yes, he was a veritable Noel Coward, that Hackett.

Soon, even Rep. Rahm Emanuel and Sen. Chuck Schumer were trying to get Hackett to drop his next political campaign for the U.S. Senate.

Gen. Wesley Clark was once compared to Eisenhower, which, in mediaspeak, means: "He is virulently anti-Bush." Democrats were so tickled to have found an anti-war Southerner and retired general, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert asked, is he "just a mirage?"

Then it turned out the only war Clark wanted to lead was America's War on Fetuses, declaring that abortion should be legal for any reason until the moment of birth. Soon Clark was buddying around with Michael Moore and Madonna. Also, he claimed he had received calls from "the White House" by which he meant "a think tank in Canada."

Last we heard, Gen. Clark was on the alternate list for "Dancing With the Stars."

Joe Wilson went from being billed in the media as a trusted adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and billed (by himself) as an eyewitness to the president's "lies," to being an apron-wearing househusband who had been sent on an errand by his wife.

Not only did he fail to debunk the Niger yellowcake story, he also forgot to bring home the quart of milk his wife had requested. (Wilson is now demanding a congressional investigation into who leaked the classified information that his wife wears the pants in the family.)

The Joe Wilson celebrity tour officially ended when The Washington Post editorialized: "It's unfortunate that so many people took (Wilson) seriously" -- not the least of whom were reporters at The Washington Post itself.

Most recently, The New Republic's "Baghdad Diarist" has been unveiled as a liar, another illustrious chapter in that magazine's storied history of publishing con men and frauds.

If conservatives are the ones driven by ideological passions, then why are liberals the ones always falling for laughable hoaxes in support of their anti-war ideological agenda? And if liberal beliefs are true, why do they need all the phony stunts to prove them? How about liberals keep hoaxes out of politics and return them to their rightful place: "proving" Darwinian evolution.

4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111

Michael Tee

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Re: If At First you Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2007, 11:42:26 AM »
All right, I'll bite:  what combination of mind-altering drugs is she on?


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Re: If At First you Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2007, 06:54:14 PM »
All right, I'll bite:  what combination of mind-altering drugs is she on?

She is playing fast and loose with the facts , she and Michael Moore have this in comon.

Max Clealand, for instance was not sure where the grenade came from that injured him , he thought it might have been his own , but he met a man who thought it could have been his. He never claimed that his injury was from a Viet Cong grenade.

The little details that make the truth precice do little to help make a point , the point being made though ,the smaller details can be revisited, they will either strengthen or weaken the point , or make no real diffrence.

If her point is that the media assigns credibility capriciously to caricters who do and don't deserve it , I agree with the general principal .  She could have been nicer about it , but if she wasn't makeing a splash would we have ever come across this opinion of hers?

Michael Tee

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Re: If At First you Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2007, 08:57:03 PM »
<<Max Clealand, for instance was not sure where the grenade came from that injured him , he thought it might have been his own , but he met a man who thought it could have been his. He never claimed that his injury was from a Viet Cong grenade.>>

We had a very popular WWII vet and MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) here, Eddie Dunlop (since deceased) who was blinded by a grenade in a training exercise.  He was training recruits with live grenades thrown at them, that they were supposed to pick up and throw back over a wall, this one recruit froze so Eddie himself went for the grenade to throw back and he was blinded.

Doesn't matter how the man was wounded, he got it in the service of his country, after he had already put his life on the line.  If he'd hung back, never volunteered, he never would have been blinded.  If I took Coulter seriously I'd say it was a low blow against Cleland, but I think of her more as an entertainer, the more outrageous her material the higher her ratings.  What she says is bullshit, but it's only showbiz so WTF?