I'm not sure what you mean, Lanya. Sure, they have defended some Christians in order to present themselves as "balanced". To wit: December 22, 2004: ACLU of New Jersey successfully defends right of religious expression by jurors.
November 20, 2004: ACLU of Nevada supports free speech rights of evangelists to preach on the sidewalks of the strip in Las Vegas.
August 11, 2004: ACLU of Nebraska defends church facing eviction by the city of Lincoln.
July 10, 2004: Indiana Civil Liberties Union defends the rights of a Baptist minister to preach his message on public streets.
June 3, 2004: Under pressure from the ACLU of Virginia, officials agree not to prohibit baptisms on public property in Falmouth Waterside Park in Stafford County.
May 11, 2004: After ACLU of Michigan intervened on behalf of a Christian Valedictorian, a public high school agrees to stop censoring religious yearbook entries.
March 25, 2004: ACLU of Washington defends an Evangelical minister's right to preach on sidewalks.
February 21, 2003: ACLU of Massachusetts defends students punished for distributing candy canes with religious messages.
October 28, 2002: ACLU of Pennsylvania files discrimination lawsuit over denial of zoning permit for African American Baptist church.
July 11, 2002: ACLU supports right of Iowa students to distribute Christian literature at school.
April 17, 2002: In a victory for the Rev. Jerry Falwell and the ACLU of Virginia, a federal judge strikes down a provision of the Virginia Constitution that bans religious organizations from incorporating.
January 18, 2002: ACLU defends Christian church's right to run ?anti-Santa? ads in Boston subways.
You want me to locate anti-Christian act by the ACLU? Gosh, there are too many to count. Here is a few:
Following are some of the stated goals of the ACLU, from its own published Policy Issues:
the legalization of prostitution (Policy 211);
the defense of all pornography, including CHILD PORN, as "free speech" (Policy 4);
the decriminalization and legalization of all drugs (Policy 210);
the promotion of homosexuality (Policy 264);
the opposition of rating of music and movies (Policy 18);
opposition against parental consent of minors seeking abortion (Policy 262);
opposition of informed consent preceding abortion procedures (Policy 263);
opposition of spousal consent preceding abortion (Policy 262);
opposition of parental choice in children's education (Policy 80)
-- not to mention the defense and promotion of euthanasia, polygamy, government control of church institutions, gun control, tax-funded abortion, birth limitation, etc. (Policies 263, 133, 402, 47, 261, 323, 271, 91, 85).
Following is a case in point (from David Barton's "America: To Pray or Not to Pray").
In 1988, California was considering adopting legislation on sex education for public schools requiring that course material and
instruction should stress that monogamous heterosexual intercourse within marriage is a traditional American value.
The Senator promoting the bill received a letter of protest from the ACLU dated April 18, 1988 stating:
"It is our position that monogamous, heterosexual intercourse within marriage
as a traditional American value is an unconstitutional establishment of religious
doctrine in public schools.... We believe [this bill] violates the First Amendment."
http://www.dianedew.com/aclu.htmThe LGBT Project fights discrimination and moves public opinion on LGBT rights through the courts, legislatures and public education across five issue areas:
RELATIONSHIPS ? Since the first marriage lawsuit for same-sex couples in 1972, the ACLU has been at the forefront of both legal and public education efforts to secure marriage for same-sex couples and win legal recognition for LGBT relationships.
SCHOOLS & YOUTH ? The LGBT Project?s Schools & Youth program defends free expression in public schools, demands that learning environments do not encourage bullying and violence, and helps educators create an atmosphere respectful of students? sexual orientation and gender identity.
PARENTING ? The ACLU is committed to defending the rights of LGBT parents, not only in custody and visitation arrangements but also by challenging discriminatory laws that restrict the rights of LGBT people to parent.
TRANSGENDER ? The ACLU works to include gender identity in nondiscrimination laws, raises awareness of the types of harms that transgender people face, and brings impact lawsuits to change biased laws against transgender people in employment, schools, and public accommodations.
DISCRIMINATION ? Since the 1950s, the ACLU has been defending LGBT people from discrimination. Over the years, the ACLU has fought LGBT discrimination on several fronts?from challenging ?sodomy? laws to advocating for civil rights that protect LGBT people.
http://aclu.org/lgbt/index.htmlIn Virginia, the ACLU has protested the issuing of?Choose Life? license plates and a moment of si-lence for school children at the beginning of eachday.
? In Colorado, theACLU successfullydefended a homo-sexual female inher effort to gainco-parenting cus-tody of a younggirl from her Christian mother. The judge ruled that the homosexual was a ?psychological parent?who deserved 50-50 custody of the child.
? The ACLU is defending the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) for this pedo-phile group?s role in the brutal murder of 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley in 1997.
? The ACLU routinely opposes internet filtering sys-tems on library computers to protect childrenfrom exposure to pornography.
? The ACLU favors the decriminalization of mari-juana.
? The ACLU has filed lawsuits throughout the United States to remove Christian crosses and the 10 Commandments from public buildings. The ACLU?s Radical Leftist Beginnings The ACLU?s current war against Christianity and mo-rality has its roots in its beginnings in 1919 when itwas founded by Unitarian socialist Roger Baldwin. Baldwin formed the ACLU at a party attended by So-cialist Party leader Norman Thomas, Elizabeth GurleyFlynn (the future leader of the Communist Party,USA), and Soviet spy, Agnes Smedley. Roger Baldwin warned his fellow ACLU membersthat it was important to look patriotic. He told them:?Do steer awayfrom making it [the ACLU] look like a socialist enterprise. We want to look like patriots in every thing we do. We want to get a lot of flags, talk a good dealabout the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of the country and show that we arereally the folks that stand by the spirit of our institu-tions.?
In 1931, a congressional report of the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated: ?The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated withthe communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists whohave come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press, and free assembly; but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is to attemptto protect the communists in their advocacy of force and violence to overthrow the government, replacing the Ameri-can flag by a red flag and erecting a Soviet government inplace of the republican form of government guaranteed to each state by the federal Constitution.?
Ever since its begin-nings, the ACLU has waged war against Christianity andAmerica?s Judeo-Christian heritage.Pushing Evolution In Public Schools In the mid-1920s, the ACLU placed ads in Tennessee newspapers seeking a teacher who would be willing tochallenge Tennessee?s law that prohibited the teaching of?any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creationof man as taught in the Bible.? John T. Scopes, a gym coach, volunteered to challenge the law as he served as a substitute teacher in a high school science class. TheACLU hired atheist lawyer Clarence Darrow to defend Scopes and fundamentalist Christian William JenningsBryan defended the state law.The three-day case became a media circus and an oppor-tunity for atheists to push for the teaching of evolution inthe schools?and for eventually banning the teaching ofthe biblical account of creation. Scopes was fined $100and this fine was overturned by the Tennessee SupremeCourt on a technicality, but the ACLU had won a signifi-cant public relations victory. In 2000, the ACLU touted its involvement in the Scopestrial as a ?landmark case that established that evolutioncould be taught in the nation?s public schools. ? Thatdebate is still raging today, and the ACLU continues tolead the battle for religious liberty and the preservationof the First Amendment.? (ACLU feature, ?75 Years Af-ter Historic Scopes Trial, Religious Liberty Battles Con-tinue,? ACLU.org.)The current head of the ACLU is Anthony D. Romero, a homo-sexual who formerly served at the Ford Foundation dispensing$90 million to leftist and homosexuals causes. ACLU Targets Crosses And 10 CommandmentsToday, the ACLU is waging war against the public displayof crosses and the 10 Commandments. In California, the ACLU threatened to sue the County ofLos Angeles if it didn?t remove a small cross from the county seal. The cross is one of the smallest images on the seal. The pagan Greek goddess Pomona is the largestimage, but the ACLU only targeted the removal of thecross?not the pagan goddess. A compliant liberal major-ity of county commissioners immediately caved to the ACLU?s demands. Angry citizens are calling for a Novem-ber vote on keeping the cross on the seal. The ACLU has also won the removal of a cross in theMojave desert that was part of a World War I memorialto our nation?s fallen soldiers. One of the primary targetsof the ACLU is the removal of the 10 Commandments from all public property. According to a report on NPR(10/10/2003), since 2000, more than 24 lawsuits have been filed against the display of the 10 Commandments and more are filed each month. Now, the target is to remove crosses from city seals. Thelatest ACLU lawsuit is against Virginia Beach for a cross on its city seal. Jay Sekulow, head of the American Centerfor Law & Justice discussed this attempt to remove allreligious symbols from public life on ?The O?Reilly Fac-tor? on June 24, 2004. Sekulow told O?Reilly, ?...the ACLU is really on a vendetta of trying to remove everyreligious reference from any city seal, from our mottos.?Sekulow says this is a campaign specifically targeted againstChristian symbols. He notes that in California, students are required to read the Koran in school and the ACLU has no problem with this. In New York City, public schools were forced to remove all Christian symbols of Christ-mas but not Jewish Menorahs or the Islamic Star and Crescent for Ramadan?and the ACLU didn?t object. Se-kulow predicts that the ACLU will eventually sue cities like ?Corpus Christi? to change their names because itmeans ?Body of Christ.?The ACLU Defends Porn, Molesters, And Gay Agenda The ACLU claims that it defends the First Amendment?s guarantee of free speech when it defends pornographyand opposes filtering systems on library computers.ACLU leader Nadine Strossen is author of Defending Por-nography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women?s Rights. In a lecture to University of Minnesota law stu-dents in 2001, she said: ?My strong opposition to censor-ing pornography flows from my values as president of theACLU, an activist and as a feminist. Not only does it cen-sor free speech, it undermines women?s rights.?The ACLU also claims it is defending freedom of speechwhen it defends the North American Man-Boy Love As-sociation (NAMBLA) for its role in promoting the sexualabuse of children on its web site. The ACLU is defending this pedophile group for its part in encouraging two ho-mosexuals to kill and later sodomize 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley in Boston in 1997. And, the ACLU?s Lesbian and Gay Rights Project lobbies for homosexual adoption, le-galization of homosexual marriage, pro-homosexual re-cruitment programs in public schools, and sued in 2003to force a family-friendly parade in Hawaii to include ho-mosexuals. With a homosexual activist leading the ACLU, it is not surprising that this organization is funding anti-Christianlawsuits and promoting the homosexual agenda. Roger Bald-win would be proud of the misguided legacy he has left be-hind.?? the ACLU is ? on a vendetta ? to removeevery religious reference from any city seal, fromout mottos.? ? American Center for Law & Jus-tice leader, Jay Sekulow. anti-Christian implies that they intend to specifically attack Christianity as an end of itself. As Roger Baldwin (a co-founder of the ACLU) said of the goals of the ACLU:
"I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted, and I traveled the United Front road to get it.
The ACLU's actions are a part of a political worldview they hold. It was founded by communists and though many members and lawyers would say they aren't communist today that foundation influences the way they look at things. They are militant privacy advocates and anti-government to the point of wanting to take away valid tools from law enforcement. This is why they helped Rush Limbaugh, not because they support his speech, but because their causes temporarily aligned when the Florida prosecutor's office seized his medical records unjustly. That is not to say that the government is lily white when it comes to privacy, but to say that monitoring phone calls of suspected terrorists leads to a police state is ludicrous and scare-mongering.
The ACLU attacks the traditional foundation of the family in society. This is why they fight against parental notification of abortions, school choice, and the parent's role in educating their children. In fact, they attack traditional forms of authority beyond that of the state. In communist nations, the state is the highest authority and all needs and actions must be made in connection with what is best for the state. That is why you can talk about purges and gulags and communists don't flinch. Communism requires them.
Their attacks on Christianity aren't designed to eradicate Christianity, per se. They are designed to establish a social order (or more appropriately destroy the existing order) and customs that advance their ideas and Christianity isn't a part of it. In short, they aren't anti-Christian in intent, they are anti-Christian in effect.
http://jcb.pentex-net.com/archives/2005/09/is_the_aclu_ant.html Abdurahman Alamoudi, an alleged senior terrorist operative, is behind bars on an 18-count indictment. But he can take satisfaction in the fact that a court in California has just given the green light to schools following ACLU?s religion-in-the-classroom guidelines, which he helped to formulate.
A federal judge judge has now upheld the constitutionality of an intensive three-week course in California government schools that requires children to choose a Muslim name, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Koraan, pray to Allah, play ?jihad games, and simulate worship activities related to the Five Pillars of Islam.?
The next step: likely an appeal to the notoriously left-wing 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which deems the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.
But hasn't American Civil Liberties Union lectured us that religious instruction in school violates what it describes as ?separation of church and state? (a phrase that appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution)? Read on. That injunction seems to depend on which religion is involved.
The guidelines in ACLU's document is in effect a warning (some would say an implied threat) to schools as to how they can avoid legal challenges from the same ACLU on church/state issues in the classroom.
Alamoudi, founder and former executive director of American Muslim Council, was jailed last fall on charges that include taking money believed to come from a charity Libya has used to support terror, taking $340,000 in cash with the intent to bring it to Syria from London. It is also believed some of the money was to be taken to Saudi Arabia (or Saudi accounts) and from there to organizations of influence the United States. The charges include money-laundering, misuse of a passport and failure to report bank accounts.
J. Michael Waller, Annenberg Professor of International Communications at the Institute of World Politics, believes Alamoudi?s arrest ?may have ripped the lid off an international support network in Washington that operated to finance terrorists inside the United States and abroad,? according to Insight magazine...ACLU has confirmed to NewsMax that Alamoudi in fact represented American Muslim Council among the organizations that helped craft the ACLU document ?Religion In The Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law.?
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/1/13/172143.shtmlI could go on and on, but time is fleeting...
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