<<The early Christians were the slaves , a lot of spoilage occured when the Emporer took it up. The people were much more receptive at the lower levels>>
That's ludicrous. None of Jesus or the Twelve Apostles were slaves and their first cult members were all Jews, none of them slaves.
<<Slave owning was pretty much universal with no large kingdoms free of it . War was and is totally universal.>>
Well if you're claiming that Wilberforce is a triumph of Christianity, you have to admit given the time taken that it's a pretty insignificant accomplishment. I don't buy that Wilberforce did this singlehandedly, there was a lot of anti-slavery mobilization, Christianity played a part only because the biggest slave-holding societies were Christian, so the opposition to slavery would have concentrated in the only organization within the slave-holding society that had moral influence. If the biggest slave-holding societies had been Buddhist, it would have been Buddhist activists who ended it.
<<I doubt that your numbers are carefully researched , can you really say that you know that the Crusades killed more people than died in Stalins purges? >>
Probably did. Stalin's purges were greatly exaggerated, and a lot of the victims were enemies of the Revolution, fascists and anti-Semites. They deserved to die. Besides which, what do Stalin's purges have to do with this? Was he a Muslim? The subject seems to be the slanderous accusations that some Christians and Jews are directing at Islam as a religion of violence, and my allegation that Christianity has way more blood on its hands than Islam. I don't know of any Islamic massacres that claimed anywhere near as many innocent lives as the Crusades, the Inquisition, the pogroms (including the Ukrainian Peasant Revolt) and the Holocaust, let alone the extermination of the American Indians. Sorry, but if you want to convince me that Islam is as violent as Christianity, you'll have to come up with some facts in support. I will tell you right now that I don't know of any of them.
<<Or that Islam has killed one fewer person in its time?>>
Go ahead. Find me one Islamic massacre that matches the Holocaust or the extermination of the American Indians.
<<By the way do you suppose that Christianity will kill more Jews than Islam this year? >>
NO, they teamed up against the Muslims. I bet their team will kill a lot more innocent Muslims than Muslims will kill innocent Christians and Jews.
<<I wonder if we should be slacking while they are trying so hard to catch up?>>
That's why Israel has 400 nuclear weapons. Anyone who wants to try is welcome to step up to the plate.